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t1_j0rwxly wrote

I work in medicine as an AP, not an MD; this is not a good way to look for shadowing.

Are you a current student? Your school at any level should have affiliations locally to set you up with shadowing. Prospective student? I’m not completely knowledgeable about this area, but I’m pretty positive you can’t shadow on patient visits as just a pedestrian and shadowing would be more of a sit down interview with a doc.


OP t1_j0xsl1f wrote

I answered your question regarding your pretty positive point regarding shadowing - hence i established a counter argument. I am a bachelor of arts reconsidering going back to school after wading the corporate world. I know that it’ll take 10 years or so, and the goal is more of a motivator than anything else. I just want to see how covid has changed medicine


t1_j0ygzag wrote

You need to do a lot more research on what it will take, because if you don’t already have a undergrad degree that’s applicable, you’re looking at more like 12-13 years.

Also, “establishing counter arguments” with people trying to help and answer your questions you is an interesting way of going about this.

I did see your post about possibly wanting a pediatrics shadow so I asked a good friend who works in a large pediatric group about non students shadowing and he laughed pretty hard when I asked him can a random Joe Schmo off the street shadow a doc during visits without being a med student. That’s a huge risk liability for them so I don’t know where you did the shadowing before but that is highly unusual.

And from one human to another, I would highly discourage you from attempting this path just because you’re curious. You’re posts indicate it’s just a passing thing and you’re not motivated or driven enough to spend the next 13 years of your life or so studying or doing rotations, residency, etc for 60 hours a week. This is not a profession you should enter unless you’re 110% sure because if you stop halfway through you’re looking at massive education debt that now you have no way of paying for. Would be much better for you to find an accelerated nursing degree program and you could be done in maybe 2 or 2.5 years depending on how much transfers from prior education.


OP t1_j0zzvn7 wrote

Don’t think i’m a stranger if you used a 3 page essay to help me


t1_j1008vs wrote

Ok have it your way, next time I won’t be helpful at all.

As another poster has said, you have this shockingly bad attitude for someone who wants to go into medicine where most people (hospital admin aside) are pretty altruistic and want to help people. You portray yourself as a huge jackass.

Why say thank you for tips (a completely normal response) and then 8 hours later with no provocation posted something sarcastic and that has nothing to do with anything I’ve said - when did I call you a stranger/what prompted you to randomly go back and be a jerk on what was essentially a dead thread? That’s not normal.


OP t1_j0s1icg wrote

Already did pre covid shadow with a cardiologist in ri. I need a diff mindset perspective


t1_j0s1xdw wrote

Ok that answers none of the questions I asked. I’m trying to help but you have to give me more info.


OP t1_j0sj7mh wrote

Wanna shadow pediatrics and emergency room rotation


t1_j0trojl wrote

Not to be rude but the lack of info you’re giving and the fact you won’t answer any Qs being asked of you, makes me feel like you maybe should consider a different path career wise. I wouldn’t want a dr who refused to answer me or doesn’t understand that people need to be communicated with effectively. This is not good communication. Your answers are delivered like a high schooler being forced to give more than a one word answer on an essay. Again, this isn’t to be rude. This is an observation.


OP t1_j0xsri5 wrote

Are you a doctor?


t1_j0ydj2s wrote

No I am not a doctor. And I’m going to tell you that maybe you should not consider becoming one either. You answered none of the questions asked of you, and you’ve only deflected. It’s concerning and not a behavior that people will find comforting when they are sick, or worse. Go into construction work if you’re bored and want a more challenging career.


t1_j0slmo4 wrote

I’m trying to be patient here BUT YOURE NOT ANSWERING MY QUESTIONS!

Are you a current undergrad pre med/bio student? Or have entered the next stage of education? Or are you just maybe a high school senior or similar looking at entering a med path for education?


t1_j0tinl9 wrote

This is a scary generation going into the medical field. Lol

This also comes from the person who made a post asking “Anyone selling Land?”


t1_j0ttoty wrote

They state in a different post that they’re 25…so yeah I don’t know what to do with this, it’s not like they’re a 16 year old kid.

Not to mention that if someone is 25 with a non biology/premed/other acceptable to med school degree (some will take other related ones like chemistry), they won’t actually finish with schooling until they’re 39 or 40.


t1_j0ufeuj wrote

Maybe they are trolling? I actually hope they are trolling.


t1_j10zgwn wrote

I think they lied about their age in the other post I saw or they are…not mentally all there. Look at the chain in this thread, those are not normal responses, they don’t even make any logical sense based on what I’m saying.


OP t1_j0xsxjl wrote

I don’t know why i’m typing back to your much valued opinion. But appreciate your time snooping my good citizen
