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thesbaine t1_j1z7xz4 wrote

I'm down with the 10 cent bottle deposit coming from 2024, but the state needs to set up more processing locations where they have high speed counters where you can just dump stuff into a hopper. It's simply not worth enough peoples time to go and single feed even at 10 cents.


Amity83 t1_j1zc6yn wrote

My issue is that the machines are always full or broken, and the bins near them for non refundable bottles are full too, so I end up bringing them home which I really don’t want to do.


davidg_photography t1_j1zg4qe wrote

besides the machines being full or broken....the stench is unbearable for people that get migraines.


momscouch t1_j20lu4m wrote

I use a bottle redemption center. They take basically all the brands and have much faster counting machines; about 18 at a time. Glass you just take in the box and they count the box.


Amity83 t1_j20owdb wrote

Nearest one to me is 25 minute drive. That’s not worth the gas.


spmahn t1_j1zkp2t wrote

I dread doing this, it’s filthy, it takes forever, half the time the machines are broken and it takes a year to find an employee to fix them. I’m fine with the deposit, but the state needs to require a more efficient method for redemption. I’d just toss them in the recycling, but usually I let them pile up until I have $30 or so worth and it seems wasteful to just not collect on that.


Prize-Hedgehog t1_j1zag09 wrote

I keep saying this. Can we start contacting our elected officials to try to put something together, because I just think this system is so antiquated. Clearly they aren’t in a big rush to fix that problem because they’re just hoping we don’t redeem all those cans and bottles and the state can just pocket more money.


thesbaine t1_j1zbboo wrote

Perhaps I'm not so jaded yet, but the big motivation has been to keep the cans/bottles off the side of the street. Sure the state gets their cut when stuff doesn't get turned in, but I'm thoroughly convinced nothing has happened because there are bigger fish to fry.


HughWonPDL2018 t1_j1zsp4z wrote

It’s a minor regressive tax at best and a way to very cheaply employ the homeless at worst. I’m all for making less waste and recycling and whatnot, but the bottle deposit is a weird way of doing it. 5 or 10 cents isn’t enough to matter for most people.


magica12 t1_j23g9g1 wrote

it is when you're paying an extra $1.20 for a 12 pack of soda when it goes up to 10c


HughWonPDL2018 t1_j244pk6 wrote

You’re already paying 60 cents with the current 5 cent deposit, so it’s a net 60 cent change. 60 cents won’t stop anyone from buying their soda, nor will an extra 5 cents per can motivate many more people to recycle.


Everyusernametaken1 t1_j21jgcr wrote

I just got a seltzer maker and im gonna stop buying cans if I can.. I hate going to the smelly recycling place. More water. ... beer might be a problem .. but maybe local growlers ??


XDingoX83 t1_j1zev0d wrote

It’s messed up, I am forced by my city to pay for single stream recycling so either I’m paying a 10 cent tax per can if I use that for a service I pay for or I have to go and waste time returning the cans of I want my money back. I should be able to get my money if I use recycling from home. That’s the point of the deposit to get people to recycle. I should not be punished because my city has single stream recycling.


TituspulloXIII t1_j1zgb6e wrote

Don't know what part of the state you're in. But I would save my cans until I had a bunch then go to an actual redemption center. Dump them in a counter and be out in like 5 min.

Don't bother with going to a grocery store or whatever where you have to hand feed the cans


thesbaine t1_j1zjekb wrote

Nearest one is a 35 minute drive. I'd have to save a ton of cans to make it remotely worth it. Maybe once they bump to 10 cents it'll be better, but it's not a good option for me.


TituspulloXIII t1_j1zk373 wrote

I used to fill 55 gallon bags. I could get three of them to fit in my car, would pull like $60.

Of course, that was back when i used to work in an office and it was like 10 minutes from there so i would just go on lunch break or something.


spmahn t1_j1zk8a5 wrote

Not sure where you are, but those places are super uncommon these days


TituspulloXIII t1_j1zl454 wrote

I used to live in Hartford county, there are a couple north of Hartford up the river.


spmahn t1_j1zlzrp wrote

Yeah, I’m south of Hartford and the only one I can remember existing was in a sketchy neighborhood on Slater Rd in New Britain where you’d generally be accosted by people looking for booze and / or drug money before you even got out of the car


TituspulloXIII t1_j1zqbgl wrote

The best one I went to, i believe, was in South Windsor.

I think there's on in Vernon, that one wasn't to bad either.


amw05006 t1_j1ztvus wrote

There’s one in Manchester on Hilliard as well


DoctorMcAstronaut t1_j20209l wrote

It kind of pisses me off that any place that's allowed to charge a deposit can just scan it and add it to the price, but it costs me my time and effort to return it. I'd propose that any place that can charge a deposit should be required to refund it just as fast so long as it's returned in the same manner i.e. sorted and packed into the case. If I buy a case of bud light and return the sorted empties in the same box, they should be able to credit me as fast as they charged me. Mom and Pop liquor stores do it easily, but Costco makes me stand outside and shovel them in by hand. They should have someone there just scanning off credit or giving cash.


magica12 t1_j23gfeg wrote

the other funny thing with it is under the same law, stores are only obligated to take what they sell on the actual shelves, we drink a lot of soda at home, and occasionally wind up having to jump to different stores for certain brands.

like its blind luck if another stores brand goes through a certain machine


iwanttobehappy2022 t1_j2075ik wrote

It’s so people don’t litter like before the 70’s.


DoctorMcAstronaut t1_j208kuo wrote

I was for that reason, now it's because the state pockets the unclaimed deposits. If they raise it to .20 they have to assume it's not high enough to account for a a reduction in state revenue. Will 400% more cans get returned if they're worth .20 as opposed to .05? I'm going to guess no because it's still too inconvenient to redeem them.


bluechair2020 t1_j21p8gw wrote

It seems like people are littering more then ever. I hope this helps to control it.


iwanttobehappy2022 t1_j24kxy5 wrote

Nah they aren’t. Parks and trails were disgusting up until the late 70’s. People used to dump trash wherever


VigilantMike t1_j20bcb8 wrote

As an employee of one of those supermarkets that people cash in at, I’m a little confused on what you want us to do or what you think we’re doing wrong. Definitely our machines break down too often and we don’t have enough staff to fix them quickly enough, but it seems you feel the system in of itself is flawed.


magica12 t1_j23gi1d wrote

not to mention that the machines generally arent built for the thicker plastic bottles like gatorade, iced tea, and juice tend to use.


robertdilbert t1_j21lmln wrote

genuinely curious why anyone thinks this "tax" is still OK. What benefit does it bring to the constituents or the community? its just a headache and extra work vs just throwing your recyclables into a regular recycling bin


djln491 t1_j2239f0 wrote

100% agree but this is a money grab for the state. They preach about renewed recycling initiative blah blah but they know many bottles/cans never get returned. I’d be surprised if they make it easier to return


gewehr44 t1_j20ovyw wrote

There's no need for bottle redemption. Recycling is already mandatory.


Dirt_Bike_Zero t1_j20svsa wrote

The intent was to promote people to not litter, and if people do, someone else is likely to come along and pick it up.


gewehr44 t1_j21xxpv wrote

Sure, there was no recycling at the time this was originally passed. Now we have single stream recycling & there is no need. Unfortunately slobs will be slobs.


FluffyBiscuitx2 t1_j20xa86 wrote

There are a few locations north of Hartford that has this. Very quick and convenient, love it!