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gewehr44 t1_j25jzgr wrote

Citing gawker should immediately disqualify anything you post.


BryanCalens2ndFamily t1_j228fn0 wrote

Seems like a decent dude, just has a spotlight on him


MightyMason OP t1_j23id8t wrote

Agree, not a fan of barstool but don’t mind Dave. Should have figured r/Connecticut would have a problem with him though.


BryanCalens2ndFamily t1_j23p2i0 wrote

Anyone youngish, extremely wealthy, and a public figure is gonna have lots of reporters looking for dirt rather than say the good stuff like all his fundraising for small businesses during the pandemic. He’s no saint. But for sure yes he’s hit on women, they’ve been into the rich guy big timer persona but some maybe regret it after he has no interest in them other than a night. NOT SAYING HE NEVER DID ANYTHING SUSPECT but surely every allegation is not true.