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WonderChopstix t1_j145o1n wrote

Interesting. I'd think most heat is oil or gas and altho it takes some electricity not nearly as much as AC.


TywinShitsGold t1_j14a8u8 wrote

It’s a commodity that spikes with global demand. Much of the North East uses oil for heat, but that’s fairly unique. Electric rates are tied to NG commodity pricing because more than a quarter of the US’s power generation is has based.

NG is 34% of Europe’s power generation as well. And New England is fairly tied into the European NG market due to reduced pipeline capacity and the Jones act.

NG essentially always spikes through winter and comes back down in spring. It’s just not usually this severe.

Globally not as many markets are as air conditioned as the US, so even if AC is more demanding, the demand isn’t equal across the northern hemisphere.


WonderChopstix t1_j14b8qe wrote

Makes sense! Thanks for the explanation. I am kind if kicking myself for not thinking this through but that is what lack of sleep will do !