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t1_j1x0ip3 wrote

I have a perfect place for you guys!

Hidden Acres Therapeutic Riding Barn in Naugatuck.

I used to volunteer there bc I grew up horseback riding and missed spending time with horses now that I’m an adult, but didn’t want to pay for lessons. It was honestly therapeutic for me too, loved helping with lessons there.

It’s a barn that specializes in therapeutic riding lessons for anyone who needs them. Many of the riders are children with various needs.

You don’t need horse experience to volunteer. I haven’t been there in a little while because life got busy but it’s a great place! If it’s not nearby for you, perhaps look up other therapy barns in the state.


OP t1_j1x4v8t wrote

Oh wow it's so funny that you mention this place!! I used to volunteer there in high school. They actually turned me away because I learned (the hard way) I'm extremely allergic to horses and hay and they were worried about me walking around covered in hives and wheezing 😅 I only got to volunteer like 3 days before they respectfully told me I should stay away. Thank you for the thought though!!!


t1_j1xftxv wrote

Omg!! That is so funny. But I’m sorry you were unable to volunteer there 😭 That absolutely does not sound like a good combo with your allergies. Hope you are able to find another place 😄