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Jackers83 t1_j1m1lj2 wrote

Reply to comment by Mutts_Merlot in Best Italian food in ct? by [deleted]

It’s finished with a some egg yolk, tempered into the cream. Sure


googs185 t1_j1m2k04 wrote

Carbonara does NOT call for cream. That was an addition to appease American palates. The egg yolk is carefully cooked lightly so it doesn’t cook enough to become like scrambled eggs, then pecorino, salt and pepper. That’s it. No cream to speak of.


Jackers83 t1_j1m6gn5 wrote

It’s just modernized with some cream. I understand traditional recipes, but some things are better over time.


googs185 t1_j1meyz1 wrote

It’s Americanized. Any Italian chef wouldn’t dream of putting cream in carbonara. Tradition is extremely important. The cream overtakes the delicate flavor. But hey, if you like cream in your Olive Garden carbonara, go for it.


Jackers83 t1_j1nlpju wrote

Lolls. Olive Garden. Nice dude. I’m sure you’ve made your bones working every position in a commercial restaurant. I hear the “Good Housekeeping “ had some fire recipes. Good luck.


googs185 t1_j1oraql wrote

I’m Italian. As in an Italian citizen. Eaten at countless restaurants on Italy. Never claimed to be a chef but I know how good is made there.


Jackers83 t1_j1orf9k wrote

That’s wonderful. Good food is great, and is interpreted differently.