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SherrickM t1_j21lzmi wrote

My sister has long contended that she was there. She's of the appropriate age and music Fandom at the time, but I have never found any evidence. No ticket stub, no photos from that day, no friend who will say they were there with her. Hard to say.


Mycatreallyhatesyou t1_j21qaiz wrote

To be fair, I went to lots of concerts back then and have zero memorabilia left.


SherrickM t1_j21tpav wrote

Same, and that was a long time ago.


BMP353 t1_j22oj0p wrote

Seriously. Dude, why not just believe your sister?


suburban_mom_jeans t1_j23m6j4 wrote

Do most ppl hold on to their ticket stubs? Once it goes into my purse, it's never seen again.