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eleyezeeaye4287 t1_j13pvuj wrote

Welcome! I’m almost five years sober but have been going to recovery meetings for thirteen years. to answer your questions:

  1. There are meetings every day of the week. In the beginning they recommend a 90 in 90 which is 90 meetings in 90 days so you go daily but you can go as frequently or infrequently as you like depending on your schedule. Some people even do multiple a day if they have the time.

  2. There are men’s meetings and women’s meetings but most are mixed. The AA website will indicate what type of meeting is what.

  3. I’m not in your area and go to mostly women’s meetings now for safety reasons having to do with an ex so I cannot make any recommendations but try out a few different ones and see which ones click.

Best of luck on your sobriety journey and please let me know if you have any other questions.