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Kolzig33189 t1_j55cghv wrote

I had the same thought - Mohegans and Pequot fought over land/territory constantly and land close to their respective “borders” changed hands frequently. I’m sure the same thing happened with other neighboring tribes in nearby states, just not as familiar with their history. So it’s helpful to know when they are basing this map.

On a side note - didn’t Algonquin tribes occupy a bunch of land in New England and NY? Don’t see them on here.


Independent_Source97 t1_j55mxzm wrote


IIRC, the Algonquin tribe were mostly in Canada around Ontario. The Algonquin language and its dialects were spoken by about 24 different tribes in the northeast.


Whaddaulookinat t1_j55tyjb wrote

There do seem to be outposts of Algonquin settlers in the New England/NYS area that probably arrived only a century or two before European contact... But the numbers may be fairly small and likely would've had more political contact with surrounding tribes.


Swede577 t1_j56bccs wrote

The Quinnipiac's that spoke Algonquin at one point controlled all of CT.

Since 1997, more extensive research, based on linguistics and early historical records, has extended the boundaries of the 1500-1600 AD Quiripi/Renapi/Quinnipiac confederacies to include all of what is now Connecticut, eastern New York, northern New Jersey, and half of Long Island (prior to the immigration of the Pequot/Mohegan peoples into eastern CT


maxanderson350 t1_j55ejuw wrote

True; and I would suspect that there were countless tribes inhabiting Connecticut before the tribes listed on this map even came into existence.