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namerx7 t1_j5bsn32 wrote

Such a good question. You never know if it’s American fusion or tastes like back home. Interested to read comments


condor_gyros t1_j5d14qf wrote

The only place in the entire state that serves food from my home country is my kitchen, but Mama Chow is a relatively ok approximation. Zul Cafe for a decent rendition of another country that I'd lived in for a while.


dasilva1227 t1_j5d1lhg wrote

Banana Brazil in Hartford!! Plus a couple other locations in the state!


CryBabyEater t1_j5d2trf wrote

Brazil Grill in a Hartford is authentic Brazilian food and absolutely excellent. Check it out if you like fresh meats of all sorts.


Yourlifeskarma327 t1_j5dbism wrote

Keep this going!!!! Great idea, I want this list to grow so I can try all of the places.


Shad0wF0x t1_j5dgjsj wrote

The only ones I can think of are

  • Kayumangi in Wallingford
  • Middletown Market in Middletown
  • Tindahan City in Berlin

There's Zul Cafe and Grill in Norwalk but I haven't tried that one.


langelar t1_j5e09vh wrote

Paradise Biryani in Norwalk for biryani


savings2015 t1_j5e6x1s wrote

In Torrington:

Las Delicias Latina is about the most authentic no frills Mexican you're going to get in Connecticut.

Geppetto ~ Osteria e Bisteccheria is a fantastic new Italian place that is more modern Italian fare.


null_shift t1_j5e7892 wrote

ITT: people ignoring the thread title and just posting their favorite ethnic restaurants.


Unlucky_Mud8795 t1_j5eqbac wrote

I love going to Long Wharf Drive for Mexican Food. Edit : Wharf


DogeTriip t1_j5eu011 wrote

Chez Ben in Manchester. Better poutines than back home.