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justboosted02 t1_j613osy wrote

Limerock, Thompson

For such a small state, having two road courses is pretty good


toasty_boi12345678 OP t1_j613rjf wrote

True, but for such a rich state you'd expect there to be more


TimeTraveler3056 t1_j61yhj7 wrote

Rich areas maybe. I wouldn't consider CT a rich state. I don't know any rich people.


IndicationOver t1_j63w61c wrote

>I wouldn't consider CT a rich state.



TimeTraveler3056 t1_j685iky wrote

Well I'm not rich


hessianhorse t1_j688q14 wrote

Have you ever set foot outside your house?


TimeTraveler3056 t1_j68nq2b wrote

Yikes. U sound entitled. And a little mean. Bye


hessianhorse t1_j697muz wrote

Yowzers. You sound super sheltered. And unnecessarily stubborn.

Connecticut doesn’t have a reputation as one of the wealthiest states because there aren’t a bunch of wealthy people here.

You’re either being intentionally obstinate. Or you’re defenselessly obtuse.


KungLa0 t1_j652rc6 wrote

We don't really have the climate to justify a bunch of tracks. 4-6 months of the year most tracks up here are closed anyway. And the track community up here is very lively, but seasonal.


Luis__FIGO t1_j64ie3h wrote

What states richer then CT have more tracks for their size?