Submitted by littlekiwi524 t3_10989zv in Connecticut

Yes I'm a broke bitch trying to save up for the means to get a better job elsewhere and be less of a broke bitch. Before you come at me for that, I will shamelessly only accept advice, not criticism. Otherwise, just keep your "if you don't got it, that's your problem" attitude far away from me.

Just saying, these better be top shelf to be that pricey. I don't really react to edibles so these better send me into a regrettable state of highness if I'm gonna be paying that much. I'm somewhat exaggerating of course, I don't want to be that high haha

But the risk should be there nevertheless.



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AhbabaOooMaoMao t1_j3wn7fk wrote

You know, back in the '60s we used to smoke this shit on the street. Cops didn't say nothin', hell, they was gettin' high, too. Everybody was good. It wasn't a thing to do because it was a thing to do, you know? It was a thing to do because it got you high. Can you dig it? Man, I remember when a dimebag cost a dime, you know what I mean?


thedude_CT t1_j3wnciw wrote

There's not a lot of supply so the prices are high. In other states the prices have come down gradually to normal. "Wait and see" mode for now, unfortunately.


IndependentPlum8794 t1_j3wo0fa wrote

I'll keep making the weekly trek to mass until CT gets it's shit together.


Lostin1spot t1_j3woa9y wrote

For someone who hasnt got the time and funds to buy, but is curious, what is the going rate right now?


Downtown_Feedback665 t1_j3womn2 wrote

Ah that’s nonsense I can get a QP in CT for less than $400. There’s adequate supply.

I live in Chicago rn, been legal since Jan 2020. 1/8 is $50 still to this day.

Adequate legal supply? Totally different story. Looks like will continue to be black market purchases for the foreseeable future until the state grasps that they aren’t competitive whatsoever.


notablyunfamous t1_j3woz2a wrote

Hence the problem with legal weed.

I called it years ago. They’ll tax the shit out of it. Just get it from who you got it before. It’ll be much cheaper and likely better.


TwoCanSee t1_j3wozup wrote

Remember folks it’s legal to grow your own now here in Corupticut. If ya have the means.


Kolzig33189 t1_j3wpbsu wrote

The argument for years was “they should legalize and use the taxes on it to fund xyz.” And now that it’s legal and the prices are higher than on the street where it’s not taxed, people are confused or angry at the higher price.

The failure to connect the dots here is astounding. Legalized purchases from stores was ALWAYS going to be more expensive by a pretty substantial amount than buying from your dealer hookup.


Downtown_Feedback665 t1_j3ww13t wrote

Sure so smoking only dispensary weed is legal to you?

Or is all weed legal to smoke now? Also maybe realize that the QP bought for $400 was grown on a farm inside of Connecticut that doesn’t have legal standing. There’s plenty of weed in CT. Whether or not the state wants to license it is why some people will happily perpetually be paying out the ass for shit that grows from the ground.

The same law that made weed legal let’s you grow your own weed. So again, The state will become uncompetitive being this greedy. It has little to nothing to do with supply. People have been buying medical 1/8ths in CT for $25-$30 for years.

This is a cash grab not a supply issue.


Mmmslash t1_j3wwlkq wrote

It is 100% a supply issue.

There is lots of cheap weed on the gray market. If you want to go to a store and buy it, the supply does not exist, so it's expensive.

This isn't rocket science, but you're too busy being mad and feeling self-righteous to have any conversation that isn't about how right you are.

tl;dr ur dum


projectwise5 t1_j3wwugl wrote

seems like the concept of overhead has went over your head


Downtown_Feedback665 t1_j3x06gh wrote

>if you want to go to a store and buy it, the supply does not exist

Because the weed is not in stores, the supply doesn’t exist.

Yes I’m ‘dum’

You should go talk to all the heads trying to get their farms licensed being met with stiff resistance. There is no supply issue. Weed grows extremely plentifully, extremely quickly.

Also love how you glossed over the fact that I mentioned there is cheap weed in CT and has been for years in dispensaries. Shows how intellectually dishonest you are in your arguments.


LloydChristmas666666 t1_j3xfj29 wrote

I love the I’m gonna drive to mass people. Factor in gas and your time. Really worth the difference ?


TwoCanSee t1_j3xkiyo wrote

Actually the two dispos I go to, Milford Curaleaf waterbury caring nature and I’m aware of another in Bristol that have had low inventory for weeks. Also haven’t been able to buy OZ fir the same time. Do inventory has been low.


[deleted] t1_j3y7wum wrote

I can get an ounce in mass for $110 at the dispensary so $132 after taxes. I’ll wait lol


e_chi67 t1_j3yam89 wrote

You could pursue a medical card! Costs a bit to start up but then the weed is tax free. It's also pretty damn easy to get a card, you can even do the doctor's appt virtually!


Frankie_Wilde t1_j3z9let wrote

You thought the government wasn't going to get their cut?


Specific-Reading4413 t1_j3zaz3q wrote

This is why I go to mass. And for me I actually enjoy the ride up there I live within an hour away so I don’t mind it.


IndependentPlum8794 t1_j3zgqir wrote

I like to drive, so it's leisurely for me. And it's just gas... what 2 or three gallons at 3 bucks? The 9 extra bucks to go to mass wont stop me from spending my $200-$400 in weed there. Plus, Fuck Connecticut and the taxes, I buy my gas for the week while I'm there too.


Stop_Already t1_j4054am wrote

I’m a ct medical card holder. I don’t buy my flower from the dispensaries. It’s cheaper to go to /r/type2trees and get something from there. I mix mine with hemp anyways. USPS will even deliver it for you.


nan_adams t1_j40ou39 wrote

Calm down, the same thing happened in Mass. Its basic supply and demand. Pricing will come down as more dispensaries open for rec. Until then make the trip up here and buy your weed.


TheDudeMaintains t1_j40ti1x wrote

There is no supply issue. Curaleaf regularly incinerated hundreds of thousands of dollars' worth of inventory due to low demand prior to rec opening up... the "supply issue" is entirely artificial


Mobile-Animal-649 t1_j40yfbi wrote

I work hard every week. I am allowed to complain. It’s bullshit That other thread was just stupid. I’ve smoked a very long time. I don’t sit around found nothing, that’s kids. The prices on a plant Wtf?
Grow your own! Totally the best answer


Muhshuggah t1_j4196yb wrote

Im just gonna continue to get from my guy. 140/Oz. What are rec prices right now? Something like 400/Oz? Not to mention how long the buds sit waiting to be sold, or the testing that has to be done on them beforehand. When they finally find their way into your hands, they're usually dry as dogshit and powdery. Im happy the stigma is being fought and people aren't being jailed for a dried plant anymore. But until we see realistic prices, I'll just stick with my current situation.


Salad_Key t1_j41djgr wrote

If you qualify, I recommend getting a medical card. Recreational is twice the price and half the strength


Old_Ad_5748 t1_j4qadd7 wrote

Where you from? And what is the price your saying is to high? My recommendation buy in bulk, grow your own, buy from grower or someone close to grower...👋🏽