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EdRedSled t1_j47vild wrote

With the amount of hit and runs on the news I am wondering if a CDL sticker is a smarter option


TheSmokingLoon t1_j48h27a wrote

Why advertise you can drive truck?


EdRedSled t1_j49i6om wrote

I must have the acronym wrong. … I see those stickers around conceal carry permits or something like that…


TheSmokingLoon t1_j49vgzk wrote

I was hoping to use the letterkenny reference. But seriously tho. If you use one of those Even then... If you do have a permit to carry a concealed weapon to advertise that you have one is a stupid mistake. I've always wondered why people get those it just makes you a target for gun thieves, it literally yells I have a gun which defeats the purpose of having a concealed weapon for your own/family defense.


Beamarchionesse t1_j49j9kd wrote

A CDL is a commercial drivers license. It's what qualifies a person to drive a commercial vehicle, like it says. According to the Internet it can also stand for "Call of Duty League" but most people I know with CDL decals on their cars are advertising that they're truck drivers. You might be getting it mixed up with a CCW decal. I've never seen one but apparently they exist, and it looks like they're done in the same black & white format.