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IndicationOver t1_j5lw8w5 wrote

> A dozen at Whole Foods for $4.29-$4.79.

A dozen eggs at Whole Foods is cheaper than a dozen eggs at ALDI?


gregra193 t1_j5ly1r7 wrote

Whole Foods has competitive pricing. Stuff is often the same or cheaper than Stop&Shop IMO. Here are prices for the Avon location today.


LordConnecticut t1_j5m1qn5 wrote

I’ve been saying this all COVID. People forget Amazon has owned Whole Foods for awhile now, and the entirety of what that means.

Just like any other business under the Bezos empire, Whole Foods is now the king of loss leaders…in the grocery space. Food staples like eggs, beans, milk, in the store brand are often cheaper then what I see anywhere except Aldi, and haven’t shifted significantly with inflation. Amazon is attempting to use the current environment to grab market share.

Not to mention the fact that the Whole Foods store brand is better quality then other store brands, and equivalent or better then many boutique brands in other chains, like S&S, BigY, or Shop Rite.