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SKIPPY_IS_REAL t1_j5mnygy wrote

CT received $10 billion in COVID relief over all. By the end of last year, our surplus was down to $4 billion, end of this year, a.k.a February, it will be $3.2 billion, and they expect us to bleed it dry. Lamont is using some of it to invest in infrastructure, to his credit, but it won't be enough. Our operating budget is $47 billion, you can subtract special revenue from that, which is about $18 billion and transportation and special projects, which are another $4 billion. But the general budget was $20.1 and pensions were $6 billion and our total tax revenue was only $21.4 billion plus some federal investment. There is still a net loss per year of about $1.7 billion in the budget when everything is added together, so we are living off surplus for now. He does have plans to reverse this by 2024, but inflation has not been applied to the general budget.


Background_Steak t1_j5mz1xi wrote

You sure threw out a lotta numbers and no links. Cite your sources.


SKIPPY_IS_REAL t1_j5n0ioq wrote

The full expense report for 2022 won't be out until March, but the first link shows a basic bar graph of expenses, the second shows a partial 2022 report and how revenue is calculated and spent.