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NICNE0 t1_j6hyeup wrote

I don't think sidewalks are "amenities". I mean, I know what you are saying. But I think it comes to bad Urban planning, the amount of money and maintenance you give to such a thing is very marginal, I think the urban code should be modified. We waste public money on a lot of nonsense, why can't we use it for something that will benefit the community?


NICNE0 t1_j6hyxno wrote

Let me extend it a little bit more. I believe pedestrian infrastructure is just as elemental as vehicle infrastructure, It shouldn’t be seen as an "upgrade" it should be mandatory. The town should guarantee the safety of the residents by providing them with proper designs. If I go for a walk and a car hits me because it is a narrow road with a 35mph limit I didn't do anything wrong, nor did the driver, it was terrible urban design.