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DCFATKID t1_j4o7kp7 wrote

Correct. The employees of the establishments are generally acting in manner that they believe to be true, and are acting in a manner to protect there place of work and the individuals inside. But what the individuals recording the video are trying to make public is the authorities knowledge of the law. To hold the Public servants accountable to protect our rights as citizens as stated in the constitution.( FILMING IN PUBLIC)

It’s the police officers who’s duty it is to protect and serve, meaning to protect our constitutional rights. A public building “policy” can not go against a constitutionally protect activity. This is what they are trying to expose.

Again- it is in the interest of all governmental employees to not engage the individuals with the cameras. They are trying to get you to “act a fool” to get the police involved, so they can test the police officers knowledge.

Honestly, kudos to the police officers that understand what is going on and deescalate the situations.

Shame on those who don’t understand and escalate the situations leading to lawsuits.