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thesbaine t1_j5lwfh3 wrote

You’re getting down voted but are 100% correct. Retreating = getting shot in the back which is unjustifiable.

Edit: some also mentioned that the guy was “reaching” while he was running. Dude was still running. Regardless of whether or not the thief was a piece of shit self defense ended when pursuit began.


TreeEleben t1_j5ovnj3 wrote

Cops shoot unarmed people in the back and claim the person was reaching for something. They face no consequences.


Jawaka99 t1_j5olnq0 wrote

lol because a person can't shoot at you when they're retreating?


thesbaine t1_j5olt7i wrote

Sure can, but that's why you don't pursue.


Jawaka99 t1_j5tpkrk wrote

Yup, just let all criminals go. Connecticut's motto.