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TreeEleben t1_j5mb74n wrote

He's going to jail. Can't shoot to protect property, only hunam lives.

Unless you're a cop. Then you can fire away with zero regard for anyone.


ZoqY t1_j5oqsls wrote

Issue with this is what ends up happening is people like that replicate and have multiple baby mamas then the problem will only double the next generation


Prudent-Ball2698 t1_j5mh678 wrote

That's why this state is in a decline, if my son my newborn is in my house with me and we're broken into, idc I'm firing first at the perpetrators then asking later, not to kill but we should as THE constitution state have the same law as Texas. Why should you be a victim whe the cops won't help you or take there sweet time while God forbid your being brutalized or anyone for tht matter?


Dank_Bonkripper78_ t1_j5nd841 wrote

That’s not the same. That’s a BARRK felony and you can most certainly shoot at them with minimal repercussions. A baby monitor in a car and your baby are not on the same playing field for shooting


Prudent-Ball2698 t1_j5ndk59 wrote

I'd hope not, I take my child and his safety very seriously, and as a veteran who did time in Afghanistan its my first reaction to case every room with a firearm, may be my ptsd from it but also precautions. I got a good lawyer incase but I hope it'd never come to that.


ZoqY t1_j5or5xm wrote

Eh the issue is you need to KNOW it’s a criminal and not just assume in the moment. What if someone thought it was their car or was told to put something in someone else’s? It’s rare, but there is guaranteed to be a case like that. I just think you should record and CT should up the penalties big time


AdHistorical7107 t1_j5o0jfs wrote

Perhaps you should move to Texas. Hopefully your kid won't be shot in elementary school due to their lax gun laws...


Spooky2000 t1_j5ofk1z wrote

Obviously your short ass memory forgot about Sandy Hook..

There have been 3 school shootings in Texas that I can find. Seeing as how they have 10 times the population, seems like our record is worse than theirs for school shootings.


AdHistorical7107 t1_j5oije2 wrote

Awwww. Look at you. But you forgot how easy it was for Texans to buy guns. Which is exactly what it is you 2a folks seem to want....


Spooky2000 t1_j5ojja4 wrote

Aw, look at you ignoring reality to try and shit on Texas while we have our own problems here even with our draconian gun laws.

Did you know the drug overdose rate is 3 times as high in CT as it is in Texas? Or that that covid death rate is 50% higher in Ct?


bdy435 t1_j5oxqez wrote

>Did you know the drug overdose rate is 3 times as high in CT as it is in Texas? Or that that covid death rate is 50% higher in Ct?

331 vs 317 is not 50% higher. And population density is higher in the northeast.

Also, poor choice of word for this thread.


>Draconian comes from Draco, the name of a 7th-century B.C. Athenian legislator who created a written code of law. Draco's code was intended to clarify existing laws, but its severity is what made it really memorable. According to the code, even minor offenses were punishable by death, and failure to pay one's debts could result in slavery. Draconian, as a result, became associated with especially authoritative actions that are viewed as cruel or harsh.