New Haven Board of Ed. security officer fires gun at teen who was breaking into his car: PD
wtnh.comSubmitted by EasyE0287 t3_10jn1ru in Connecticut
Submitted by EasyE0287 t3_10jn1ru in Connecticut
Reply to comment by Prudent-Ball2698 in New Haven Board of Ed. security officer fires gun at teen who was breaking into his car: PD by EasyE0287
Aim for the leg gets you attempted murder, assault with a deadly weapon, and a lawsuit. Unfortunately the way things go, you're better off taking the risk on a murder/manslaughter charge. Gangs send messages, using violence to prove a point is never a good approach. Dead people have a really hard time reoffending.
Well then good to know, IL make sure of that. And make sure I'm backed in a corner per ct law which is fucked that you have to be in a corner in your own house to defend yourself to avoid prosecution
Yup. It's unfortunate that our legislature has put citizens in this position where you have to be at the brink of death with nowhere to run to MAYBE have a chance at not getting convicted.
That's why it's a good lesson, always have a good lawyer on retainer in CT, never know if you need one or not for that matter
And maybe the old Joe Swanson trick, plant a knife on that bird just to be safe
Yes, so unfortunate that we can't shoot people in the back for stealing an ipod
Did they ring your door bell to let you know they'd ONLY be taking your iPod, or should we just assume they're not going to steal your car or better yet use your garage door opener to get in your house?
If I badly wanted to shoot them, like you seem to, I'd let them come in the house. We have castle doctrine in CT I'd be free and clear legally speaking
I don't but I also shouldn't have to wait until a threat is inside my house is my point. We should be stand your ground, not just castle doctrine. On top of it, we're a duty to retreat state too. So if you're being car jacked or robbed in your own driveway, you have to basically let it happen because it's "not in your dwelling".
Stand your ground wouldn't apply here, they weren't threatening him they were stealing from his car and he'd still be in just as much legal trouble in a stand your ground state
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