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bdy435 t1_j5pmgxt wrote

First of all, I dont get to decide who gets prosecuted. I'm not going to get involved in that.

Secondly - you are a mean person, a sociopath if you fantasize killing children like that. I hope if you have kids you dont punish them with violence and the "spare the rod, spoil the child" bullshit.

Do you go to church on Sundays?

Have a nice day, tough guy.


deceptacle1980 t1_j5pnq44 wrote

Who is fantasizing killing kids? Is that your inability to comprehend thoughts and feelings outside of your own? You’re right. You’re not going to get involved in that because you’re not going to get involved in anything because you would rather delegate that to men and women stronger/smarter or weaker/dumber because you have no real thoughts.

If the state won’t prosecute this shit and the parents don’t care/aren’t there then ultimately it’s going to get left in the hands of people like you, me, the guy pictured. The kid stealing the car has to decide if it is worth getting shot over. I have to worry about the kid deciding his right to my stuff is more important than my life and safety. Maybe after a few of these kids get aired out in the fucking street the state and prosecutors will step back in the arena and do their jobs. But until that day, I think this guy makes a strong case for open season. They can’t arrest all of us, can they.