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dietchaos t1_j6npnfl wrote

The local Vernon patch posts them alot. The historical society near vcms has some. Town hall in Rockville has some pictures hanging up. I think the rail trail has some pictures at stops of what used to be there too. Good to know my neighbors love pot too lol.


Kodiak01 t1_j6o9zbc wrote

There's probably tons of them in my attic and basement as well. Wife's family has lived in Vernon for at least three generations, GMIL had dozens of slide carousels stacked up, plus some albums around. That's not even counting all the ancient vinyl records I need to sift through. A lot of the stuff is going to end up either at the Vernon Historical Society or to UConn; a good portion of the latter are recordings of the UConn Band going back to the 50s and 60s.


n510 t1_j6ob3dq wrote

eBay & other online marketplaces have a decent amount of old pictures of the area available for sale, definitely good to browse! I have a business on Union Street and was able to find a ~1920’s post card of the building we’re in, which we now display in our business.


Gil_V t1_j6ol6es wrote

There are books (becoming scarcer) of historical photos of particular towns that border Ellington.

Try a Walgreens in town.