Submitted by CassCat t3_10nf2cs in Connecticut
Maybe I've become a cynic in my mid-life, but this gorgeous free but non-publicly-funded venue where people can come and enjoy the grounds without any pressure to pay anything seems a little off to me. There are hints of some sort of religious underpinning to it, on the "Faith" tab of the website, but it's overall very vague as to who paid for all this, and why they're so welcoming of anybody who wants to drop by.
Is this true philanthropy, or am I going to be wearing potato sacks and worshipping Blork after a few visits?
Independent_Source97 t1_j68c3bp wrote
Article from 5 years ago Grace Farms CT Insider
Maybe it is what is presented but the 60+ year old cynical me does not trust any religious organization or foundation.