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thug_nificent OP t1_j588bzg wrote

I agree with most of what’s been said about Yale attracting talent — but I think it’s a shame that almost none of the students stay here after graduating. Just think how NH could be if Yale invested more in developing it — partly for selfish reasons, so they also don’t lose staff and faculty to universities in more attractive cities.


[deleted] t1_j589emc wrote



thug_nificent OP t1_j58bm6m wrote

Interesting, thanks for this perspective. I didn’t consider that the out migration of talent might be just fine.

There’s still something that rubs me the wrong way about so many talented social scientists and public policy graduates being totally detached from a city that could use that expertise. It’s like there’s an aversion to applying what they’ve learned right on their doorstop


drjoshthewash t1_j58fjv3 wrote

This is idealistic musings. Alot of things would be great. That's totally irrelevant to the discussion at hand - is Yale good for New Haven and the state. A borderline ridiculous question at that.


lolaya t1_j58w442 wrote

How do you know no one stays? Plenty of health professional students and others do too. Do you have stats on this?


thug_nificent OP t1_j5b0a30 wrote

Yale health vs Yale university are totally different beasts. Yale university attracts good faculty but they often leave because 1) tenure rates are low 2) limited job options for spouses. I don’t have stats but just know the system