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gregra193 t1_j9dpei5 wrote

Size: 2

Heating: Oil + Heat Pump (supplemental)

Electric Bill: ~$180 for ~880 kWh. Currently on a rate from Constellation…8.99c/kWh.


KindaEgotistical OP t1_j9dpvze wrote

Wow that sounds great!


gregra193 t1_j9dqea5 wrote

Yeah. There are rates as low as $0.10/kWh available now. Short term of 7 months. Would advise switching to another provider or back to standard offer during month 5 to be safe.

Are you on alternative supply?


KindaEgotistical OP t1_j9dqik3 wrote

No I mean honestly I did not even know that was an option up until today


gregra193 t1_j9dqzle wrote

There are longer terms too, just set a reminder to shop around again a full two months before the rate expires. You can always go back to standard offer too.

12.99 for 18 months should be decent. Current Eversource rate is 24.17.


KindaEgotistical OP t1_j9dr7d2 wrote

Wow this is amazing! Thanks a lot you’ve also have been a big help in general


gregra193 t1_j9drnk7 wrote

You’re welcome. Also I just saw your post about solar and definitely $0.19/kWh is too much— buyers won’t like it either.

We passed on even looking at a home that had a PPA.


KindaEgotistical OP t1_j9drwp3 wrote

Yeah at this point my resolve is to have the buyer pay for it. I don’t think I could sleep at night if I forced myself to get the house