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laceyourbootsup t1_j6verzj wrote

Grew up here, went to college in New Hampshire, lived in a suburb of Atlanta, Suburb of Philadelphia, and Tampa.

Suburb of Atl (Alpharetta) was nice. I could’ve made a life there but I was young and not ready to settle.

Horsham PA was not bad but it didn’t feel like home. I didn’t like Philadelphia as a city. Id isn’t know it well but it did not feel safe.

Florida is not New England. I love New England suburbs, neighborhoods, towns. Each town in CT has a feel to it that I can’t describe but it’s safe, beautiful, quiet, warming. Also CT fall is better than any weather out there. Late August through October is unbeatable. I couldn’t stand the Florida heat. It never leaves. Christmas doesn’t feel like Christmas.

I don’t know… hard to describe but CT just feels right. I get the same vibes in MA, VT, ME also


x6tance t1_j6w05ds wrote

Horsham felt like the most quintessential American town, ever. I liked what I saw.

Similar feelings towards Alpharetta. It has that new development in the South feeling.

But I do prefer New England over both