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Viceversa10 t1_j9g3sc3 wrote

Nuclear submarines, major defense companies, close to NYC (high population). I would say yes. We would be one of the first non silo base places to be hit/targeted.

If you haven't already, I would suggest canned foods, bottled water and iodine pills. Enough to be able to live on for 3-5 months.


Mofiremofire t1_j9g5146 wrote

Oh yea I’m sure that will save you from the radiation poisoning and nuclear winter of a global catastrophic nuclear war


Viceversa10 t1_j9g5tsa wrote

Better than just laying down and taking it in the face.


mkt853 t1_j9gl5b2 wrote

TBH that's probably the best way to take it. Even if you could survive, your quality of life would be set back centuries.