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SheltonAlamo72354 t1_j98czdj wrote

And now, for my daily saying...

"Eff you, Eversource.

I wish massive hemorrhoids upon your CEO, to match his massive salary increase."

Thank you, and good night...


foodcoma85 t1_j98dimm wrote

lmao! Gotta admire how brazen and open they are with their exploitation and corruption. He should make a 5 minute audio recording of him slapping his penis on a microphone, and then robocall all Eversource customers with it, and the only way to make the robocalls stop is to listen to the full 5 minutes.


XDingoX83 t1_j98dyhk wrote

I mean...... he did deliver a dividend to shareholders and increased net income.


FastWalkingShortGuy t1_j98g0wv wrote

Listen, I'm not going to go so far as to say utilities should be nationalized, but if necessities are going to be commodified, there need to be regulations in place that cap the profits these companies can make and at a bare minimum require a set percentage of profits to be reinvested in infrastructure.

If we had a world-class power grid with buried lines and non-existent interruptions, then fine, charge a premium for a premium product.

But with Eversource, it seems like every other year, we get a week+ long outage after a storm that the Southeast would consider a particularly heavy rain storm.

Fuck these guys.


taguscove t1_j98hs6b wrote

Well Eversource profit is at record levels. Must be great to be a monopoly


Uncle_Baconn t1_j98huwt wrote

Misleading title for anyone who bothered to read the article. His pay as CEO did not double. His pay is double from what it was in his prior job as not-CEO. He's only been in the job a year.

Something to think about while you all are sharpening your pitchforks, his paycheck going to zero means you save $0.25 per month.


Uncle_Baconn t1_j98ijn0 wrote

MBA student. He's doing exactly what he's paid to do.

Their earnings per share last year was $2.55. Start buying shares and you can pay your electric bill with their money if it makes you feel better.


The101stAirborne t1_j98iutc wrote

Everyone, please take several seats, calm down and show some respect for Eversource. it's only fair to recognize what Eversource has achieved. In like, the last two months no less.

  1. On Jan 10th 2023, Eversource Again Nationally Recognized among America’s “Most JUST” Companies by JUST Capital and CNBC - This is a little-known, hardly publicized honor that Eversource has received for 4 YEARS IN A ROW!
  • But wait, there's more
  1. JAN 31st 2023 - Eversource Recognized Again for Commitment to Gender Equality
  • and in a double whammy to cement the workplace equality streak of honor
  1. JAN 10th 2023 - Eversource Recognized for Ongoing Commitment to Racial Justice and Workplace Equity -
  • Workplace Equality people! CEO deserves his compensation to double, just the same way everyone on payroll at Eversource saw their compensation double - no doubt.
  1. And last but certainly not least --- ON DEC 7th 2022 - you know what's coming! Eversource Again Ranks as the #1 Utility for Corporate Responsibility by Newsweek

I have no problem paying my parents Eversource Bill, in fact, I actually look forward to it. So again show some respect. In fact, let's start a GoFundMe for the executives, C-suite, and board members for their achievements.

Okay guys, gotta go turn off the lights/get my lamps and candles going before peak usage!

<3 and Kisses,

- The PR girls at Eversource


Uncle_Baconn t1_j98jury wrote

>there need to be regulations in place that cap the profits these companies can make

There is. There are. Ever notice that their net profits are almost exactly 12% of revenue every single year? Companies that are raking it in are above 20%, and struggling companies are around 5%. They're a nice, happy medium. You don't want your power company struggling to pay their bills, it's how people get killed like with PG&E or Columbia Gas.

Revenue is almost exclusively tied to usage (they have some investments that are outside rates). When you use more, they make more. What direction are all consumer goods going? Electric cars instead of gas, electric lawnmowers instead of gas, electric heat pumps instead of propane or oil, the entire economy is becoming electrified. What did you think was going to happen?


No-Coast-Punk t1_j98jxv4 wrote

Wonder how much of our utility bills have gone into lobbying both parties.


FastWalkingShortGuy t1_j98k935 wrote

>You don't want your power company struggling to pay their bills

Oof, someone believes in the tooth fairy of corporate benevolence a little too much.

Much better that the consumer struggles to pay their bill to support the shareholders and feather the nests of the board of directors, right?



RetinolSupplement t1_j98kuqe wrote

Regulations just get politicized and called red tape in 20 years to a new demo with promises of things getting better if only we can cut that red tape. Then once it's cut it's harder to get back. It should be nationalized and that should be the end of it. Good luck convincing people later that "No I should be able to own that and charge more and make money off something you all need to live." We would look at them like Nestle CEO trying to privatize fresh water in it's entirety.


Uncle_Baconn t1_j98lw6z wrote

Yes. Last year he got paid around $14MM, and they have 4.4 M customers.

$14,000,000 yearly salary / 4,400,000 customers = $3.18 per customer per year. $3.18 / 12 months = $0.265 per customer per month.

He doesn't get paid separately for electric, gas and water customers in 3 states. It's his total salary to run the 358th largest company in the country.


Pinocchio226 t1_j98m47l wrote

Just like the damn oil companies and their windfall profits!!


Uncle_Baconn t1_j98mht8 wrote

Who do you want to do it? What should they get paid? You don't like this guy, but I bet you didn't like the last guy either and he raised a rate that actually went to their profits. The January rate increase was strictly COGS.

Egg prices go up = omelette prices go up. Doesn't mean the restaurant made more money. At least with the regulated utility, there's transparency in the rates via PURA.

Edit: a word


FastWalkingShortGuy t1_j98ncgx wrote

Sounds like something an MBA would say.

Consumer: I am skipping a meal every day to pay my electric bill.

MBA student: Well, obviously you need to skip one more meal a day and use the money to buy shares. It's simple, really.

What a fucking dystopia.


Uncle_Baconn t1_j98nwqb wrote

No not at all. I've worked for companies that cut "culture" events or stick two traveling managers in the same EconoLodge room when traveling to save a buck. You know what happens when those sort of cost cutting measures are implemented? Corners get cut on safety next when they try and squeeze their dollars by stretching maintenance windows, and people get hurt or killed. I've seen it twice working for big companies, and its the first thing I look for to start sending out resumes. It's a spiral that is extremely difficult to pull out of.


Mistawall t1_j98pbvj wrote

Where is the punisher when we need him


libananahammock t1_j98q11e wrote

You mean like how Norfolk Southern has had record profits yet barely fixes anything so much so you get shit like what happened in Ohio?

News flash… they could be raking in the bucks and STILL cut corners because all they care about is the money.


mkt853 t1_j98qwlg wrote

When asked about skyrocketing electric bills, the Eversource CEO celebrating his windfall responded: what are you gonna do about it?


arwans_ire t1_j98u3sv wrote

>Capitalism is working precisely as intended.

Seriously! I wish it were more surprising that the people who continue to vote for people that enable this behavior don't get it, but it's not.


mostlymadig t1_j98up1j wrote

If state reps had any brains they would subsidize the hell out of solar panels and batteries and make eversource the customer for a change.


Uncle_Baconn t1_j98wqcq wrote

Except if you look back at 2020, their net income was down what, 25%? I bet a whole lot of maintenance got extended during that time, a whole bunch of really experienced people got let go, and ton of work fell behind. Looks like the cause of the crash might be a failed wheel bearing on one of the cars. They have about 6.5 million rail cars (Wikipedia), with at least 8 bearings each, so 52 million bearings. It takes a week to change a wheel, so I imagine a bearing takes that long too. Looks like some rail wheel bearings last 50 years (per Timken bearings), with reconditioning every 10. So that means that every year, 10% get at least reconditioned or 5.2 million bearings should have been serviced that year. Something tells me they fell behind, and this is the result. Maintenance failures aren't instant - they accumulate over time like skipping oil changes in your car. It's fine until it isn't.


gjk14 t1_j98wzn1 wrote

“ why didn’t everyone rise up as one and slay them. “

Lewis Black


Big-Pond t1_j98xe53 wrote

Here’s the part when the eversource trolls post about record profits passing thru eversource to power generator companies and not actually going to the company 🙄.


DisgruntledDiggit t1_j98xlpv wrote

How close are we, as a society, to just saying "fuck it" and killing these people? Like, at this point, if I turn on the news and see a headline "Man Arrested for Brutal Slaying of Energy Company CEO" The only thing that would make me upset is seeing that someone got arrested for it.


Big-Pond t1_j98y2yx wrote

Because the people we elect to regulate eversource are paid by eversource to threaten their constituents we either pay exorbitant rates or they’ll vote to build gas lines from Canada all the way down to CT.

State reps were making this case right here I. This sub prior to es doubling our rate.


Salty-Leg-9037 t1_j9930hq wrote

I think what you mean is regulation. There are no ties of ones personal behavior to capitalism. Capitalism is a free market. The regulation of publicly traded companies is up for oversight as required by law. The main difference? Capitalism is necessary for a free and prosperous society, corruption is not necessary and is punishable by laws on the books. Blaming Capitalism for this is like blaming money for making people fat because they use money to buy McDonalds six times a week. See you like Capitalism because you can order some desirable $#!+ on Amazon and it shows up at your doorstep. Exchange that for a controlled monetary system. No more private enterprise. Your confusion is based purely on either irrational or uneducated biases. Read a book, understand how our Republic is supposed to function, then come on back.


InuMiroLover t1_j993dhv wrote

Saw an article the other day over how they were reporting RECORD PROFITS. How lovely. Tell them we said that they're welcome and hope that they're enjoying the pay raises and increased profits, while we so graciously keep our houses cold this winter.

Now if you excuse me, I gotta go check the thermostat to make sure it hasnt gone past 60.


PG-Glasshouse t1_j995edc wrote

> Capitalism is necessary for a free and prosperous society

We make people pay for their kids to get lunch at schools run for free by the government and if this arbitrary additional burden is too much we take their kids away. Third party vendors introduced a profit motive into giving children lunch and now you can lose parental rights if you don’t participate in their capitalism. Most of the rest of the school experience is still free, for now. Do you think capitalism will improve that too?

> corruption is not necessary and is punishable by laws on the books.

Who writes those laws? The legal system isn’t broken, it just wasn’t designed to punish the people with enough power to run it.

The people doing capitalism “wrong” are always the most successful capitalist and so they will always end up being the ones in control.

> Exchange that for a controlled monetary system. No more private enterprise. Your confusion is based purely on either irrational or uneducated biases.

Absolutely beautiful.


Salty-Leg-9037 t1_j996yr3 wrote

You also are confused at what capitalism actually is. Now we are getting into the government controlled school system discussion. You are right in the sense that the government has no business educating or feeding our children and the motive of the current government to remove parental rights has nothing to do with capitalism. You either have a free market or you don't. So what's your point? Social prescribed means? Everyone of a taxpayer funded support system? Let's entertain that for a moment, who are the taxpayers employed by? What is their product or service? Do people willingly exchange their money for that product or service? If the answer to that question is no then you have an insolvent socially funded wallet. If the answer is yes then you agree that capitalism is necessary. It also all you've ever known. Everything you purchase willingly is free market enterprise. I don't get your point! It doesn't make one. Terrible response.


PG-Glasshouse t1_j99aqtb wrote

School is funded by taxes. This one aspect of school (lunches) is not funded by taxes, it is run as a business. That is an example of deregulation not regulation. That aspect run as a business is conveniently provided with a legal mechanism that can remove children from their families if they can’t come up with enough money for the product.

What you are observing here is a private entity, that abuses the legal system to do what capitalism does best. Shoot the free market in the back of the head because a free market isn’t the most profitable kind of market and so capitalism does not need it. These laws were written for a reason and it wasn’t to provide regulation.

My question is instead of a system that destroys families if they can’t satisfy the profit motive, why don’t we just cover lunch with taxes too? With what money? The same money we’re spending to commission a new fighter even though the F-35 just rolled off the line.

When the government does something because capitalism has bought your representatives that thing isn’t the government it’s still being done by capitalism.


Salty-Leg-9037 t1_j99bulh wrote

See this I can agree with? Why, is the correct question. Here in CT we are too used to be being over-governed. School lunch should be free, 100%. The problem is (and capitalism isn't a factor here) the State allocates certain funding levels for schools. As you know, our state's schools are horribly underfunded. In my home town we didn't even have a high school. The problem herein lies with the school systems themselves. Why would they provide funding for food when they can attract teachers with salary? And because our education budget is always so short and we currently have low education expectations in general. They have no choice to charge for food. This is a cyclical problem and until it's roots are addressed it will continue. I have a young son I'm raising here, and I'm DEEPLY concerned about his schooling coming up. I am more than likely sending him to a catholic school, I will gladly pay for his education in a system I have a say in and his lunch is paid for. That's the difference. This state is horribly broken but sadly the voters continuously determine the status quo. Until that changes, nothing will change.


ninjacereal t1_j99dent wrote

Not only is school funded by taxes, parents are compelled to send their kids even if it's against their will.

But if you think school lunch not being free as a "deregulation" (I don't think that word means what you think it means) that's cool.

What it actually is, is regulation trying to fix regulation trying to fix regulation. It has nothing to do with capitalism tho. It's the state assumimg power that was never granted.


Salty-Leg-9037 t1_j99drtd wrote

Was your misdirected comment your best? I'm guessing yes, since it was a narcissistic preconceived response with an ideologue viewpoint. Your response lacked intelligence and vaguely flung a half intelligent insult that was baseless. But if it made you feel better I guess that's all that matters now in a feelings based society isn't it? I think your comment claiming I was was a bigot was rooted more in in your self interest than in actual diagnostic dialog wasn't it?


PG-Glasshouse t1_j99ebpt wrote

> They have no choice to charge for food.

This is untrue, no part of our education system being underfunded is because the money is not there.

It does not matter how much is privatized because the budget will always get cut further and no savings will materialize. It’s two pincers of the same claw.

Lunch accounts for 0.25% of the schools cost? Well the parents are now paying that 0.25% and funding was cut by another 3%. I guess we better find something else to privatize since funding is so low and we need more money to pay salaries.

This is the goal of privatization and the means by which it captures public institutions. It never stops.

A. Divert taxes from school funding through lobbying.

B. All of a sudden schools can’t afford materials/expertise (this creates the inadequacies in the education system you mentioned).

C. Introduce a private entity that will alleviate funding shortages through providing some of these things by charging parents directly and make a killing doing it.

D. Lobby to cut funding for education again so you can do it all over.

Congratulations you have “solved” a problem with capitalism.

The state ended 2021 with a 14% surplus, the surplus is currently sitting at over 3 billion for this fiscal year. CT is not a state short on money.


RebornPastafarian t1_j99ec3e wrote

Eat the rich.

Edit: This guy isn't even that rich. $13MM is more than enough for a dinner plate, but it's a drop in the bucket compared to billionaires.


PG-Glasshouse t1_j99fpdp wrote

> Negative. All of it not true. I’m involved in local government and your claim is unsubstantiated, the figures you provided are not factual.

Please do not lie.

The figures I provided are not “factual” because they are representations of values that only need to be larger or smaller to prove the point. They are not designed to be exact values pulled from your specific middle schools financial report. If the lunch program cost 70% of the budget, cuts to education would still quickly move to negate the savings of privatization. Let’s call it an 80% cut because the specific numbers in that example literally do not matter. No matter how much money is saved by privatization it will never make up the shortfall created by continuing to cut even more education funding and it isn’t supposed to.


PG-Glasshouse t1_j99gwbu wrote

> Not only is school funded by taxes, parents are compelled to send their kids even if it’s against their will.

So everything about school is handled by the government, except for this which is managed as a business.

Why is this specifically managed as a business when all the other aspects are taxpayer funded?

When you take a public institution and privatize aspects of it you are deregulating those aspects by transferring control from the government to private entities.

> What it actually is, is regulation trying to fix regulation trying to fix regulation.

Privatization is not an example of regulation. The public school system is not a wild capitalist horse yearning to be free, it was designed as a social service. You are turning a social service into a business, not freeing a business from the stifles of regulation.

> It has nothing to do with capitalism tho.

The private company providing lunches that parents have to pay money to under penalty of the aforementioned, so that it can generate a profit in exchange for goods and services… is not capitalism?

> It’s the state assumimg power that was never granted.

Say the line SovCit.

p.s. you are being detained


SecretLadyMe t1_j99v2g4 wrote

If we truly had a free market, then labor would be as powerful as the ownership class because labor is also a commodity. If we truly had a free market, the railroad worker strike would not have been interrupted by the government. You are buying into the propaganda that is destroying the quality of life for everyone.


kitncandy t1_j99vegl wrote

Just to recap he made 14m, while some CT residents are left with the decision to buy food or pay this bill. When residents are paying for their electric bill instead of eating cause they don’t have the monies to, that’s a problem


bristleboar t1_j99ysc9 wrote

Sounds like they have plenty of money to replace equipment and trucks if they happen to be set on fire


Opening-Abrocoma t1_j99z3yk wrote

All the wit is entertaining but the fact is they raised the rate due to skyrocketing Nat gas prices. The heresy is that Nat gas did a complete 180 since and has fallen 3 fold. The problem is these bicycles don’t pedal backwards and all the extra money goes into their pockets They do need political pressure


fprintf t1_j9a1gm8 wrote

Everyone throws out Constellation but they aren't close to being the least expensive any more. If you missed the December pricing then it went much higher through early January before decreasing to now. Electric prices are significantly lower in the short term than they were when everyone was switching in December.

Town Square: $0.1067 for 8 cycles. Direct Energy: $0.1069 for 8 cycles.

And pricing for longer-term is closer to where it was in December: Town Square: $0.1299 for 18 cycles (months).

edit: Sorry for the snarky reply, yes lots of other electric companies available.


fprintf t1_j9a1p7l wrote

Everyone in Connecticut who is not on a budget plan should be able to switch (and should!) energy suppliers.

However as I said in my other reply to you, it isn't just Constellation. They just happened to be the least expensive at the time you locked in last year. I've used Direct Energy, Town Square and a few others over the years at this point.


ostotees t1_j9a2bkm wrote

If you have not switched yet. go to and switch your supplier. I got 15 cents a kWh locked for 34 months. But I can opt out at any time penalty free.


ConsiderPissingHere t1_j9a2vnl wrote

There’s a special wall with his name on it.

Fuck this guy. Protests should follow him. Every day.


amac009 t1_j9a36zl wrote

I was just bringing up them because it seems like no one thinks of switching or doesn’t know where to start?

I said in my other comment “or any other electric company.” I have only been in Connecticut for one year so I don’t know all of the energy suppliers in the state. I was just trying to bring up that other people might have options to switch to.


fprintf t1_j9a3tx8 wrote

You make a good point, and so my reaction to you was simply because everyone in this subreddit and indeed my hometown Facebook is all about Constellation. But they are only one of many electric companies, as you acknowledge.

I didn't read your other reply that including "or any other electric company". Missed that I guess.


AustinC79 t1_j9a4sxi wrote

I’m of the attitude that we should burn the eversource building to the ground. Fuck these guys


Salty-Leg-9037 t1_j9a6k3w wrote

You mean the system that's worked for 100s and hundreds of years? Do you think that an employee of a business, who trades his time for money, deserves all of the same benefits as these owner of the company he's employed under? Where has the employee risked his financial wellbeing to deserve the same as the business owner? Why would it be expedient for anyone to run a business where you make the same as your employees? Does that employee do the same amount of work as the CEO keeping the business going? The sooner you accept that it costs money to live in this world and you have to earn a paycheck to live in it the better off you are. The alternative, isn't an alternative at all (social universal basic income), it is impossible for everyone to be a dependent somebody pays. You don't have to work a job if you're living in the wilderness, but you will work to survive. Nothing is possible without some trade. And I don't think capitalism is ruining anyone's life, including yours. That phone or computer you are using to argue your point is part of that system. Did your phone ruin your life? This is the mentality of the perpetual student. A growing debt and a wealth of useless knowledge un-applicable or translateable to the work force. So yes capitalism represents a free society. You were taught to think otherwise because of global bureaucratic ambitions of you your handlers.


Salty-Leg-9037 t1_j9a755j wrote

It's not a lie my dude. It's common sense. When you can reason with yourself and understand that there are some things you may not understand. It's extremely easy to see that feelings or dislike for something doesn't make it untrue. The truth is actually extremely uncomfortable at times, but the truth is what the truth is. I'm sorry to say that you are still incorrect.


phantompenis2 t1_j9a7l13 wrote

>The private company providing lunches that parents have to pay money to under penalty of the aforementioned, so that it can generate a profit in exchange for goods and services… is not capitalism?

capitalism doesn't punish you for not buying something. i don't get a fine for not shopping at walmart or mcdonalds. are walmart and mcdonalds then not participating in capitalism?


madnessdanz t1_j9a7web wrote

>system that's worked for 100s and hundreds of years?

That's not a long time, at all.

And you seem to be confusing the definition of capitalism, and production?

You can have the production of goods without capitalism.


Salty-Leg-9037 t1_j9a8883 wrote

Interpret how you wish.. That isn't the point I made. She argued that capitalism ruins people's lives. That is incorrect. Especially if you are a beneficiary of that system. So you downvote the comment because you disagreed with it, 😆


rambolo68 t1_j9acbit wrote

Nice work if you can get it. Too me regardless of how much they make, I would not want the top spot at any company. All you do is work under tremendous pressure from every where and then all of us in the public vilify them for making too much. I will take my normal job any day and be able to spend my free time how I want.


red_purple_red t1_j9ad57s wrote

A well deserved raise for keeping the lights on and our homes warm, thank you sir! But don't spend it all at once!


ogcrusader1095 t1_j9ad71j wrote

So I’m going to start by saying that just because an institution has stood for X amount of time does not mean it is inherently beneficial. I also would like to say that working class people do deserve higher monitory compensation for the work and the capital that they bring in. There is no capital being produced without the worker. The only thing that the employer has “risked” is becoming a park of the working class while the worker is held at borderline poverty to make sure they understand that if they can’t work they will become a part of the homeless population. Now tell me u/Salty-Leg-9037, in what world is it ok to have one man collect the salary and benefits of hundreds of workers simply because he “owns” the company. He risks only becoming a worker if his business fails. Capitalism only works if there is free and abundant competition, which there is none in today’s society. It has become a monopolist market and there are no real competitors, meaning the price on everything is increasing, wages are dropping, the wealth gap is unparalleled and children are starving to death. But I guess its because they don’t work hard enough and pick up extra hours right? Or is it that they didn’t take that financial risk? Give me one good reason why families and veterans and children are starving and freezing to death while capital owners continue to make more and more profits.


SecretLadyMe t1_j9ade5c wrote

I didn't say make the same money. I said workers would have control over their labor. They would have more ability to decide what they are willing to work for and the conditions they demand. You know, by organizing and unions and such.

We also wouldn't have bailouts for business and then allow them to buy back stocks and post big bonuses for the c-suite and layoff for the general workers.


SecretLadyMe t1_j9adr60 wrote

I'm most definitely NOT a libertarian. And I'm saying if we listened to the rail workers (and their concern for their own lives and working conditions) over corporate interest (to maximize profits) then yes, maybe the recent disasters would have been avoided. Maximizing profits at the expense of human life is disgusting.


bonesingyre t1_j9aetcw wrote

What do you mean by budget plan? I am on a plan where I pay some average amount and then at the end of the year, they adjust my payment, is that what you mean?

I only ask because I was able to switch the Constellation before the rate hike and haven't had any issues.


sventimal t1_j9afedp wrote

How is this company allowed to make 1.4 billion in profit? Seriously wtf


fuzzy_viscount t1_j9ahxqr wrote

And CT will do nothing about it.

We should really nationalize utilities.


Enginerdad t1_j9ajine wrote

Exactly. Free market capitalism requires two fundamental things to operate; valid competition and no coerced consumption. Both of these things are missing in utilities; there are no other distributors in the market, and people are effectively required to purchase electricity to survive and function at this point in history.


SnooDucks3767 t1_j9akxh2 wrote

A most disliked utility company. Some of my friends have received very high bills. I have Wallingford Electric and so glad not to be at the mercy of price gouging Eversource, paying for the CEO's skyrocketing salary, payment of politicians to vote to allow a wealthy utility to collect more money from customers.


SKIPPY_IS_REAL t1_j9amzna wrote

Which is why we had a mixed market that specifically prevented monopolies... This is not because corporations are acting like they always have. This is because we elected leadership that were on the board of those corporations or are too lazy to explain complex economic concepts like oligopolies.


Sea-Rooster-846 t1_j9ao0z5 wrote

of course it does. he doubled our prices so he could get a bigger yacht. he's been jealous ever since his arch nemesis got a bigger one than his previous one. but he forgets, it ain't the size of the boat that matters, it's the motion of the ocean. and i hope the motion of the ocean sinks his precious yacht. 🌊💥🛥


Unharmful_Truths t1_j9arv07 wrote

It's good to know that the extra money they are charging me is going to a great cause. I'm sure his family really needs it.


Mission_Count5301 t1_j9az7cx wrote

I can't afford what's happening. Filling my oil tank just cost me $680 for 170 gallons. My electric bill was $170. In the winter, my electric cost were generally below $100. My previous bills were in the range of $76 to $82. The bill has basically doubled for the same amount of electricity.

My current bill show kWh usage of 230. Come this summer when my usage is the 600 to 700 kWh range, I'll be paying $500 to $600. Can't do that.

Looks like I'll living without air conditioning this summer, unless the temps are extreme.

Anyone who moves to this state is crazy. These costs are not sustainable.


Chance_Wylt t1_j9b0dpi wrote

This inspires such violent thoughts I really should be on a list.


handsonabirdbody t1_j9b5ofi wrote

Absolutely disgusting. I know sending emails won’t actually change anything but I feel like eversource needs a slap in the face with some reality via dozens of emails.


gov148 t1_j9b60q3 wrote

So last year he made 13 million does that mean he makes 26 million now?


JohnBrownEye69 t1_j9bg3m1 wrote

I feel like they're daring us to French Revolution at this point.


Dry-Specialist-2150 t1_j9bhs8j wrote

Hmm if only there was a way to show them how wrong this is … like a protest or a strike or … maybe a 3 month boycott of paying our eversource bill??


Heavnly19 t1_j9bik89 wrote

Wake me up when everyone stops bitching on reddit and actually gets out the torches and pitchforks


lordgreylock t1_j9bsd54 wrote

They are basically a criminal enterprise. Unreal.


BLKMALE-NYC t1_j9bztw9 wrote

My gas and electric bill are insane!!!!! Whew .


OmegaNomos t1_j9c4ynz wrote

Can’t like a law maker do something or is that just crazy talk?


Regallybeagley t1_j9c9uvb wrote

I just enrolled my business and residential with town square too! It is half the price for KW


r_sarvas t1_j9cqila wrote

[giggles] I can't believe we got away with doubling rates. We need to do this every year! [maniacal laughter] - Eversource board member, probably.


HereWeGoAgain4not t1_j9eauk1 wrote

Yeah. Too bad the DNC screwed Bernie. People got all bent out of shape because he and his wife Jane bought a house for less than $590,000 just a few years ago. He’s been a public servant his entire life; I personally don’t think that is outrageous considering what others in public service make and spend without any thought (and this goes for both parties, no political sides in play).