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Bruins125 t1_ja9cmtc wrote

I'm hoping it somehow stays cold for 2 weeks to kill off the ticks, so bring on the snow


LoveIsLove75 t1_ja9djcx wrote

Nope. Would rather not deal with shoveling tomorrow morning.


pittiedaddy t1_ja9e4zx wrote

Meh. I just wish I wasn't dealing with a headcold. Clearing snow while sick suuuuucks.


mylastdream15 t1_ja9eeuq wrote

Yeah, this is a pass for me. Was hoping we might miraculously have a winter without any notable storms. Not looking forward to shoveling what will likely be very wet heavy snow.


davidjl01 t1_ja9ef34 wrote

I’ll believe it when I see it


Testy_MacTestry t1_ja9etsh wrote

Don't worry guys, I'll get gas for the snow blower tonight. That'll ensure the storm is a bust.


Onefortwo t1_ja9j6wx wrote

Took the day to play outside with my kid. Been promising her snow for months now!


DaWeedMan12 t1_ja9jjmy wrote

Yo, yo, yo, what up my snow-loving homies? It's ya boy DaWeedMan12 in the hizzouse, reporting from the snowmageddon that's about to hit our ends! Now let me tell you, I am beyond excited for this snow. Now, I know what you're thinking, "DaWeedMan12, why you so excited for this snow? It's just gonna make everything cold and wet." But listen up, fam, there's more to snow than just frozen water droplets. Not only is it a great excuse to bust out my sick snowboarding skills, but it's also a great way to practice my shoveling technique for when I become a pro gardener. Plus, snow is just so white and pure, like me after a fresh waxing.

First of all, snow is like the world's biggest blanket, covering everything up and making it all cozy. And secondly, it's like nature's own ice cream, you can scoop it up and eat it whenever you want. Plus, it's white, so it's gotta be good for your teeth, innit?

But here's the thing, I heard that some of da CT residents is trying to control the snow, man! They wanna make it illegal to play in it, to touch it, to even look at it! And you know why? It's because they're scared of us, the snow-loving rebels, the ones who refuse to conform to their rules and regulations. But we won't let them silence us, we will fight for our right to snowball fights and snow angels! Who's with me?!

So don't be a hater, get out there and enjoy the snow like it's your own personal winter wonderland. And if anyone tries to tell you otherwise, just hit them with a snowball and tell them DaWeedMan12 sent you.


DarthArtero t1_ja9lzx7 wrote

We’ll see. Everyone I work with is acting like it’s gonna be a blow out blizzard


Ghost_Fae_ t1_ja9md8n wrote

A snow day for my birthday which otherwise would’ve been insanely busy with work and school is a win for me!


AlignmentWhisperer t1_ja9n1im wrote

The forecast for my area is saying it's going to be just above freezing all night, so I am expecting to wake up to an inch of slush :(


Last-Instruction739 t1_ja9obgh wrote

Twisted my knee skiing In Vermont yesterday just in time to not get to ski a little fresh powder this week before work. 🥲


kryonik t1_ja9qryn wrote

Fresh fallen snow for about 30 minutes: 👍

The next three weeks of brown and black frozen sludge everywhere: 👎


Warpedme t1_ja9t17n wrote

I just helped my neighbor fix his snowblower and it's now working perfectly. We're getting flurries at best.

Don't piss me off though, I can turn this fucker into a blizzard by simply putting away my shovels.


CTNotPC t1_ja9t8y8 wrote

Mixed feelings. I have been teased too much with nice temps and sunny days.


G_Art33 t1_ja9vy8o wrote

I’m excited to work from home!


torbar203 t1_ja9w6nw wrote

Back before work realized everyone can work remotely, yes because we'd get a day off.

Now, nope.


Dirt_Bike_Zero t1_ja9w7un wrote

Of all days to have a colonoscopy scheduled, it had to be tomorrow. FML.


2PlenTiful4U t1_ja9wnas wrote

Uber excited! Hopefully this sub will stfu about not getting snow.


phunky_1 t1_jaa14x6 wrote

Snow is not as exciting with telework.

Between cellular hotspots and having a generator there is no excuse to not work due to a storm anymore.

It would be more exciting for it to be a real snow day.

Now I just get to work all day with loud kids in the background then spend the whole evening clearing the driveway and walks.


gregra193 t1_jaa2jkz wrote

Just picked up some snowblower gas and added Sta-Bil. Power banks and battery backups for modem/router are ready to go. I hope we get more snow than projected!


highway_to_heck420 t1_jaa2suo wrote

Well. I love snow. But I have to drive to and from work in it so I’m not as excited. But my company really cares about my safety, they told me in an email today.


rovinja t1_jaa43ub wrote

Snow that falls and doesn’t stick >>>> snow that falls and sticks to the ground and accumulates


wherehaveubeen t1_jaa4cz3 wrote

My blower won’t start ☹️ it never starts when I need it to. I always shovel even though it’s sitting there.


YS15118 t1_jaa4xya wrote

No fuck you, this means I need to shovel and hurt my whole body in the process


Bigbird_Elephant t1_jaa56nd wrote

Meteorology is the only job where you can be wrong 80% of the time and be considered the best


Jets237 t1_jaa9ic2 wrote

Well, schools are now closed so that means it’ll miss us completely and my kid will be home for no reason! Yay


Kingdavid100 t1_jaaa3b6 wrote

Every time it snows, it costs me $100 to have the road cleared. So not too happy


rp3821 t1_jaaamzz wrote

Snow ain't falling yet, I'd high tail it to the store! The investment today will make tomorrow... more tolerable. Ginger turmeric tea hits the spot though, too. Hope you feel better!


jez1364 t1_jaabtp8 wrote

Expect a lot. My kiddos did quite a snow dance today!


--dee t1_jaagmps wrote

I hope we get enough to close 95. That way I won’t have to drive to Stamford.


redcapmilk t1_jaagy8n wrote

A friend of mine has been excited to plan a " welcome spring!" party. This is the entire reason that it got cold and snowy.


DicmoVolant t1_jaai5xh wrote

I’ll be sleeping out in it tonight in my canvas tent.


djln491 t1_jaai8lz wrote

I’m out of town but my wife said she’s getting 8” tonight.


KalLinkEl t1_jaait5x wrote

Not I. I'm the only fucking person in my house who has to shovel this white shit by myself!!!


Volta55 t1_jaajsyr wrote

Not when I have to commute to work at 630 :-/


welcometwomylife t1_jaak8ea wrote

if it means i don’t have school tomorrow and i can bake all day i’m cool with it


JTKDO t1_jaalu62 wrote

UConn cancelled classes so I’ll take what I can get


Lumillenium t1_jaao5mp wrote

For the first time ever, I splurged on really good winter tires back in January, and haven’t gotten to use them :( I’m hoping we get some good snow tonight.


MyNameIsAmandaa t1_jaap02z wrote

I am actually excited for once because I finally don’t have to work and just sit inside and be cozy. My son will shovel 😎


jaffy23 t1_jaap3in wrote

Greenwich schools already closed for tomorrow..


twoPUMPnoCHUMP t1_jaas3ld wrote

Catch me in the skreets sliding through intersections into your mums driveway. SUBARUUUUUUU


CaseyGamer64YT t1_jaat5tm wrote

I won't be able to do Doordash sadly or at least my parents won't let me cause they're worried I'll drive off the road.


TankGirlwrx t1_jaaw970 wrote

This is my go-to and so far has knocked anything out as soon as I felt symptoms. Ginger juice in hot water (rather than powdered ginger in a tea bag) plus honey and lemon if I have it. Ginger is magic I swear


dreemurthememer t1_jaawfz7 wrote

My job doesn’t necessarily ”close” during inclement weather (unless it’s really bad, I assume), but they’ve got no problem with me taking PTO on snowy days so I’m gonna take as much advantage of that as I can.

Man I am so glad to be out of foodservice.


gjk14 t1_jaaycjb wrote

Country Club wants us in for work tomorrow… we’ll see.. Baking bread and chicken soup sounds more productive. Or tongue with a fine Chianti…. 😏


bunkerbash t1_jaaz2ky wrote

I am not. But if anyone takes pretty snow landscape photos please post them. Id love some fresh painting inspiration :-)


beigereige t1_jab0ks6 wrote

The people who don’t have to shovel it.


aodedios t1_jab1hsa wrote

Sorry to burst your bubble but it looks like a bust lmao


EastonArborDudeSteve t1_jab75i3 wrote

Shoot I'm willing to start human sacrifices for more of it. That's my main income this time of year. $40/hr pushing snow around


GCGC19 t1_jabe1d0 wrote

Time to blast up to Mohawk to get fresh tracks in all the powder! Bahahahaha


kejovo t1_jabjw7d wrote

Bout damn time! Woot!


wreckstar1981 t1_jabmsn4 wrote

Toro Wheelhorse is ready with its beautiful plow and plenty of weight to handle things. My neighbors love me, I’m the snow guy


Mandalore108 t1_jacbvp9 wrote

Absolutely not, I almost made it a full winter without having to clear snow.


L0SERlambda t1_jacohz5 wrote

I am!!! I went out last night on a mini road trip and it was so beautiful =)


SnooAvocados9343 t1_jacse8o wrote

I'm actually happy I made the decision to travel to Madrid before the storm 😛


AmiaRocz83 t1_jadftw7 wrote

All the people who put away their snow blowers 😂❄️ they all jinxed us