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gamerongames t1_ja69axq wrote

Could look up local trials once the weather gets better


Bla_Bla_Blanket t1_ja6bgek wrote

Litchfield country has a lot of nice vineyards or wineries if you are of age or like wine. If you good CT Wine Trail you can check out the website for all listed vineyards/wineries


SavageWatch t1_ja6d1og wrote

Goshen has Nodines which is a pretty cool smoke shop with various cheeses as well. Not a dine in place but good stuff. The theater in downtown Torrington is pretty nice too.


EamonnMR t1_ja6og7z wrote

Gaze in awe at the majesty of the Barkhamsted Reservoir.


MyGodItsFullOfClowns t1_ja6zp8d wrote

Meth. How long are you around Torrington? Cause meth. That's what Torrington is known for.


Inthect t1_ja7friz wrote

You could go to the dump and shoot rats.


bent_peepee t1_ja7gfra wrote

you could go to a winery, go for a hike, or just use fentanyl.


Prudent-Ball2698 t1_ja7jooo wrote

Can always do a tasting at the red dog brewery, try maybe going to get some sushi at 808 Asian fusion, or a hike around burr pond or try one of the Latin places in town, avoid dos amigos tho


perkypant t1_ja7o4oh wrote

can go down to the quarry and throw things down there


slateville t1_ja7owly wrote

You could go see a show at the Warner Theatre. It’s a gorgeous old theatre in the center of town with some history. Also, if you like ballet you can take adult ballet classes at the Nutmeg Conservatory.


lives4summits t1_ja7razq wrote

You could go to Nodine’s Smokehouse in Goshen.


nikolaus_c t1_ja7wqrb wrote

I live in Torrington and love it - but I like the outdoors.

What is your idea of fun things to do?


adultdaycare81 t1_ja8iuz5 wrote

Lots of good outdoor suggestions here. But I’m just going to come right out and say it. Try not to do Opiates.

Seems like way to many people there decided to….


HockeyandTrauma t1_ja8w0o1 wrote

Mohawk and sundown are very close, and fwiw the best mountains in ct to ski/snowboard.


beaveristired t1_ja90jr2 wrote

Mostly outdoor stuff. Tubing and kayaking/canoeing nearby in the warmer months.

Eta: Brewery Legitimus in New Hartford.


TheSpacePopeIX t1_ja944gf wrote

Toothpick is great, and a bit to the west Litchfield is very cute with Arethusa, White memorial and Litchfield Distillery all worth a look


Last-Instruction739 t1_ja9xccr wrote

Get the biggest sandwich Carbones has and see how many days it takes you to eat it.


nikolaus_c t1_jacf74y wrote

I would check out, and download the app. Within the app I would download the CT trail map so you can still navigate when you lose cell service.

Sunnybrook State Park has some nice hiking, as well as an RC airfield.

The mountain biking is incredible at Burr Pond- I know people who drive an hour to ride their (though it's not really beginner friendly). People hike there as well.

If you have access to a kayak or canoe Stillwater pond is a nice place to chill on the water.

So, there's my 3 favorite spots within 10 minutes.

Go a bit further, there are ski areas (Mohawk and Ski Sundown), lakes trails, etc.

Lots of nice scenery to the west - the Housatonic River wasn't industrialized like the Naugatuck.

And if you like more manicured trails or are walking with someone of unkown stanima, white memorial in Litchfield is a good spot with many different places to park. My wife and I are amazed at all the wildlife we see on the water.

DM me if you want to connect or have any questions.

People talk a lot of shit about Torrington; My wife and I call it the Jewel of the Northwest.