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timmahfast t1_ja1tfk9 wrote

It's what lonely men do to attract other lonely men


MrKatalyst t1_ja2q55c wrote

Loud exhausts increase your penis size. Tints and stickers increase the horsepower in late model economy cars also.


AmiaRocz83 t1_ja3iq01 wrote

This is now adays how people take out their frustration 🙄


Ok_Dragonfruit4027 OP t1_ja3q6s6 wrote

There was like 60+ cars at midnight drifting and doing doughnuts. Then reving their dog sh't cars. I can't find anything about a car meet. Cops ended up going and everyone was out so fast. One dude was yelling because their precious event was quickly over. It's just stupid. It woke my daughter up which pissed me off. People have no respect. Like go to a vacant area where people don't live, or go to a car track. A good portion of the cars were trash with loud exhaust or missing Cadillac converters. Ghetto ass people with ugly cars. There was some nice cars but very little of those.


BandsAnimals t1_ja3yovn wrote

I have a missing Cadillac converter too but I can’t Ford to replace it


BeerPizzaGaming t1_ja42sci wrote

"Cause they gotta have that WOO WOOO."

Hope you get the reference and joke, but I agree there is way too much noise pollution in this state.


100_percenter t1_ja45i6z wrote

Those are chrome go-faster muffler bearings, son. Nothing else in the world sounds like that. I hate the sound of chrome go-faster muffler bearings in the evening. You know, one time we had a car meet bombed, for 12 hours. When it was all over, I walked up. We didn't find one of 'em, not one stinkin' car. The sound, you know that silent sound? The whole town. Sounded like... victory. Someday this war's gonna end.


Jawaka99 t1_ja461og wrote

Just another instance of what happens when we no longer enforce our laws.


Low-Opportunity2249 t1_ja5cx5p wrote

I've seen a enough ATVs and Dirt bikes to last a lifetime. So dumb and annoying.


TreeEleben t1_ja5dahl wrote

These morons think a loud exhaust makes them cool. Just like the idiots on straight piped bikes. It's all just a cry for attention.


satansdebtcollector t1_ja685ca wrote

It's crazy to see tuner car owners literally pay thousands to make their exhaust sound like a fat person farting directly into an empty soda can.


CTNotPC t1_ja7ro54 wrote

Small dick syndrome. Men with micro penises invest their minimum wage earnings into making small cars into loud and obnoxious machines to attract attention.