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OutTheOfficeWindow t1_j9w0swi wrote

Wethersfield Pizza. It will shut you down. There’s also Corner Deli in Hartford. They must make 500-1000 parmigiana sandwiches a day.


LizzieBordensPetRock t1_j9y62ks wrote

When we moved to the area, husband and I poked fun because who says “home of the chicken cutlet” and how old the place looks. Coworker said we had to try it and now we understand.


RagnarKon t1_j9z8672 wrote

The place is deceiving for sure.

It is a fairly run down, hole-in-the-wall sorta place. Looks like it hasn't been updated or seen a fresh coat of paint since probably the mid-1990s if I were to guess.

But definitely some of the best chicken grinders around.


Gluecows t1_j9zdvt8 wrote

Wethersfield Pizza House is the only correct answer. Any place that looks like it’s from the 90’s, takes cash only and is still in business is going to be good.


eldersveld t1_j9yaj6e wrote

>Corner Deli in Hartford

This made me think of Corner Grinder in Hartford, which had great sandwiches as well as old school Italian dishes for decades until the family sold it, after which it promptly went downhill until closure. Still miss their pizzaiola. RIP


OutTheOfficeWindow t1_j9ycc18 wrote

Ohh man that place was so so so so good. I used to take my mom there for lunch. When he retired I almost cried.


eldersveld t1_j9yd0gq wrote

It was such a gem and I always made sure to try their non-grinder stuff. Amazing chicken soup, broccoli and cavatelli, pasta fazool, lamb stew, you name it.. and that special pizza of theirs with the spinach, potatoes, and sausage.

I gave them one chance after ownership changed. The new owners both trash-talked the old family and put out inferior food. It was sad but a relief when they finally closed for good


OutTheOfficeWindow t1_j9ydql1 wrote

Yea I went once with the new owners and never went back. I ordered the pasta with broccoli rabe and it was nothing like the old days. I wish I had some of their recipes…


_xXmyusernameXx_ t1_j9z6cm8 wrote

I get that and have enough chicken cutlets left for 3 more meals. It is literally impossible to fit in your mouth as it is roughly the size of your entire head.