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DarkLamont t1_j9pe7no wrote

It's crazy to me they keep a fire lit 24/7


Pruedrive t1_j9pg59b wrote

War is hell. Sad so many young lives being cut short.


kayakyakr t1_j9pt1n2 wrote

So I grew up near where the plaster original for the national Iwo Jima memorial in Arlington wound up, the Marine Military Academy in Harlingen, Tx. It's a pretty impressive sculpture.

This is a 1/2 scale or so version of that sculpture: same content, different artist's depiction. It's such a recognizable piece of art, though.

War sucks.


careTree t1_j9pxqkq wrote

Flags of Our Fathers, such a beautiful movie and great read!


TriStateGirl t1_j9q17oc wrote

I used to visit this monument when I was in college at CCSU. Great landmark.


Last-Instruction739 t1_j9r4xkq wrote

So I went to CCSU and I never understood if they put this memorial there and then the highway came along or if they thought sticking it next to the highway was a good spot.


Cutlasss t1_j9r5lzh wrote

One of my uncles worked for years to get the funding for that, as he was a Marine veteran of that battle. One of the bricks has his name on it.


ChiefInternetSurfer t1_j9rr8om wrote

Years ago I climbed to the top of Iwo Jima. It was a very somber time. Tons and tons of dog tags were left on memorials up there.


whateversusan t1_j9ru811 wrote

Believe it or not, it's actually juuuust across the town line in Newington. A long time ago a bunch of people vandalized it, so veterans took up a 24-hour watch to guard it.


angeldeb82 t1_j9s7yud wrote

What a beautiful memorial! 🙂


mkraft t1_j9tvs4n wrote

My grandfather was a Marine in WWII and was part of the Iwo Jima battle, earned a purple heart there. Next month, I will be going to Iwo for the (covid-delayed) 75th anniversary "Reunion of Honor." Veterans from both US and Japan, as well as military brass from both sides. I'll post pics after I get back if there's any interest?


FluffyPapaya9516 t1_j9v12ze wrote

Kind of sad that one of the speakers featured in news reports thought the men were actually buried there. No dude, it's a memorial not a cemetery.