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iwanttobehappy2022 t1_j9rfoq2 wrote

Car tax is paid to the town. You better pay it. It’s probably several grand now. Go to the town hall and pay the tax.


Bigshit67 OP t1_j9ricea wrote

Didn’t realize it was supposed to be paid to the town, wish someone told me this stuff before I moved out of Danbury. But how would it be several grand?? I thought the tax was only determined by the value of your car and where it’s registered? Genuine question. I’ve only been here less than a year so I didn’t think anything could rack up that much.


SheepHurrDerr t1_j9rinuz wrote

If it’s only been one year, as long as you don’t have a luxury car it will most likely only be a few hundred $


iwanttobehappy2022 t1_j9rldwb wrote

Not true it’s been three years. He hasn’t paid taxes on his automobile in three years. Late fees on late fees. On late fees. Taxes are high in his area. I’d imagine 600 for the first year 500 the second and 460 the third. Most likely can’t register his vehicle either.


Bigshit67 OP t1_j9rm3x3 wrote

When did I ever say I haven’t paid taxes in 3 years?? The car tax was paid in Danbury last year (2022) by my father, Danbury site also confirms this, then I moved to newtown a month or two later. Also, I know I can register my vehicle still since I just renewed registration last week without issue.


Bdigital70 t1_j9rs782 wrote

You won’t need a receipt for the car taxes, any of the tax software will just have you enter the amount paid. You should be able to see that on the Danbury website.


iwanttobehappy2022 t1_j9rtzhc wrote

Reread your post


Bigshit67 OP t1_j9rv1if wrote

I did, and in no way did it say or imply I haven’t paid taxes in 3 years. I said I’m 22, and moved to newtown after that 22nd birthday (which is in late March) before that I was in Danbury and the taxes were always handled and paid for by my father, the Danbury tax site literally proves this, I’m looking at it right now and it shows all of them were paid, nothing due for either town.

I’d suggest you reread it, because it seems like you’re the only one here that doesn’t understand whatsoever


iwanttobehappy2022 t1_j9s5lie wrote

Young lady what grade are you? You bought the car in 2020. You pay tax the following year for each year of ownership. You’ll be billed for 2023 in June. You owe three years of taxes. It’s time for you to be responsible and apologize as well as thank me for correcting your disgusting mistakes. Ewww


Bigshit67 OP t1_j9sd5w4 wrote

Lol what? Now we’re talking about school? Take your meds dude 🤣

And like I said, for the second time already, I already paid those previous years since buying the car, i only need to pay this years. I’m not sure what you’re not understanding about that, it’s really simple.

Also, I’m not apologizing to you for shit lol, consider yourself blocked, dickhead


merryone2K t1_j9rkx7t wrote

Check and see if you're up-to-date with your car taxes; if you were registered in Danbury until last October Danbury would have taxed you. If you changed your address in October 2022, Newtown would not have sent out a bill yet. Anyhoo, check here:


Bigshit67 OP t1_j9rrz07 wrote

Checked the Danbury site and it does indeed show my previous taxes for my car (along with the old one I had prior to my current one). Looks like they were all paid as expected though, filtering it all out also says nothing is due, so I guess that can be scratched off the list of possibilities 😄

And I changed my address, and registration for newtown on July-august I believe, license was changed November for newtown as well pretty sure. Was there anything else I was supposed to change as far as address? When should I expect the bill to be sent out?

And thank you for the link! I’ll check that out as well when I get the chance :)


merryone2K t1_j9t7g7w wrote

You need to either write down the amount and date paid for your mv tax or download a pdf of the bill; that gives you a credit in the state tax scenario. It was an extra $300 in my son's pocket so worth the effort. The town generally mails out property tax bills in June so you're good. Best of luck; adulting sucks but what sucks worse is having to pay fines for finding out the hard way.