Submitted by pittiedaddy t3_11ayjti in Connecticut
SkokieRob t1_j9v86fo wrote
What's so special about cheesemakers?
pittiedaddy OP t1_j9v90bt wrote
Cheese is awesome
Prize-Hedgehog t1_j9vbfn6 wrote
Let’s not forget the cheese cutters.
Nyrfan2017 t1_j9vbnfx wrote
Oh shit now do we make pizza a offical food or cheese. Man tough year for the law makers
DarthLysergis t1_j9vcq97 wrote
I heard there was sharp competition at the Championships.
AvogadrosMoleSauce t1_j9vdbuu wrote
It's not to be taken literally; it refers to any manufacturer of dairy products
Yum_Kaax t1_j9veazy wrote
What's with the bullshit app link?
tobiasrfunke t1_j9veb1l wrote
Why is it an app link?
Anyways the winner was Arethusa from Bantam with a Gouda called Europa.
NLCmanure t1_j9vgeyw wrote
the best CT cheese comes from Cato Corner Farm.
pittiedaddy OP t1_j9vib7i wrote
Because i linked it from the app.
IndicationOver t1_j9vklwn wrote
when I click it, it appears as normal
Yum_Kaax t1_j9vl5tb wrote
You probably have the app installed? Literally look at the link OP posted that ends with
jon_hendry t1_j9vlf6u wrote
What about oat milk makers?
mynameisnotshamus t1_j9vwd2o wrote
Oat milk is not milk.
mynameisnotshamus t1_j9vwf9l wrote
Sounds Gouda? Anyone???
keriiiiii t1_j9vxevv wrote
[deleted] t1_j9vzd7a wrote
SueBeee t1_j9vzitc wrote
they are not blessed.
SueBeee t1_j9vzkqi wrote
cheese is LIFE
sighterysonar t1_j9w17th wrote
The cheesemaker is still from Wisconsin though lol
CmonnowSally t1_j9w2nc4 wrote
Best milk comes from Kimberly!
pond_minnow t1_j9w6in6 wrote
1Enthusiast t1_j9w6wcs wrote
I would like some cheese 😬
mr-lexicality t1_j9w7o5h wrote
Absolutely amazing Cato corner
phishman55 t1_j9wb8og wrote
I would venture to say Cato Corner makes the best cheese for a longer distance than the state borders. Couldn't say exactly how far because I haven't tried all the cheese there is but their cheese is the best I've tried.
pittiedaddy OP t1_j9wbrce wrote
Who wouldn't!?
[deleted] t1_j9wd58r wrote
phabphour20 t1_j9wdc86 wrote
They have some great cheeses for sure. We get their Camembert at my grocery store all the time.
phishman55 t1_j9wdhxq wrote
This is true. I consider myself spoiled because I used to live a few miles from Cato Corner and now I live in the town next door to where Arethusa is. I'll take either! And thanks for the info. I was not aware of the awards they've received!
FFPatrick t1_j9wfosc wrote
Kimberly is better for the price, Aerathusa milk is better, Ronniebrook and Kings from NYS are both contenders
jules13131382 t1_j9wgk7c wrote
Backpacker7385 t1_j9wgw8o wrote
I would take Jasper Hill over Cato Corner, but Cato is definitely in the very top tier of CT. I would also include Arethusa and Mystic Cheese in that tier, depending on the style you’re looking for.
phishman55 t1_j9whjr3 wrote
Never tried Jasper Hill but I forgot about and had Mystic at my cousin's wedding. They were very good but I, personally, give the edge to CCF. I absolutely love their Aged Bloomsday as a favorite but I also thought Mystic's Bleu cheese was better, for the record.
Backpacker7385 t1_j9whx5z wrote
You need to seek out some Jasper Hill, it’s going to blow your mind. Harbison and Winnemere are my two personal favorites but Alpha Tolman may be more up your alley.
phishman55 t1_j9wl18g wrote
100% will now make it a point. Thank you for the rec!
Whoooorrrryouuuu t1_j9wm2xm wrote
I mean, if you want to keep drinking the juice secreted from a raped bovine that was intended for a baby fucking cow, that’s your business. Oat milk is delicious and doesn’t have any puss in it.
mynameisnotshamus t1_j9wmnsz wrote
Not saying it’s not good, but it’s not milk. Enjoy a nice glass of orange milk tomorrow morning with breakfast too!
unscrupulous75 t1_j9wsqvm wrote
Love it lol
FreddieSpaghetti69 t1_j9wv42p wrote
Yeah fuck Wisconsin
[deleted] t1_j9xc1vk wrote
Andsoitgoes203 t1_j9xgu67 wrote
Oak milk is terrible for diabetics
severance26 t1_j9yb2nu wrote
Love this subthread. When you know, you know. Will be chasing down these cheeses over the next year or so.
IndicationOver t1_j9zpe1k wrote
No I'm on computer not mobile
I see the but it was fine
rewirez5940 t1_j9zsskr wrote
These don't load for me either
SwietyMateusz t1_jaaely5 wrote
Get the unsweetened stuff/zero sugar added. It tastes great and every brand has this variant at the grocery store. Not sure why the “regular” oat milks are loaded with sugar… America, I guess.
AvogadrosMoleSauce t1_j9v7vev wrote
Blessed are the cheesemakers.