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kesagatame-and-Chill t1_j9loocj wrote

I saw this growing up in the ''80s-'90s, including being eligible myself. We hid it because we were so embarrassed. Sometimes your experience doesn't reflect reality.


IndicationOver t1_j9lpboo wrote

Kids who got free lunch some of them did get made fun of. Kids will be kids just like kids still get bullied today sadly. I don't understand your comment, they still got free lunch.


EarthExile t1_j9ogi09 wrote

The idea is to reduce harm. You know how every time there's a school shooting, we collectively refuse to do anything about the availability of weapons because we prefer to tell ourselves the violence is a result of poor mental health? Well, bullying is one of those things that damages the mental health of children.

I just had to try to convince someone that it's good to feed children. That might be a new low. Oh well, this is America.