Submitted by midmodmad t3_112e5ih in Connecticut
ShamusTheClown t1_j8ml6ss wrote
Reply to comment by x6tance in Sandy Hook Survivor Survives Second Mass Shooting by midmodmad
I firmly disagree with your claim that state laws don't work.
Here in the northeast, we have stronger gun laws, and we have way fewer firearm deaths per capita, and fewer mass shootings. CT has some of the strictest, and we haven't had a mass tragedy since they were implemented after Sandy Hook.
What gives us the right, to impose our values onto other states 100s to 1000s of miles away?
They're perfectly capable of fixing this problem whenever they want deomcratically... Clearly they don't want to.
You should plan accordingly, and not live there.
x6tance t1_j8mmm79 wrote
They're better than nothing but deaths from shooting still occur in states with high level of gun control. The problem is that you can purchase guns in more lenient states, drive across the state borders, and commit your shootings. State laws won't stop that unless they add customs or something at the state borders
Just_Jer t1_j8msxgy wrote
Illinois, New York, and California have some of the strictest gun laws. I defy you to spend one night walking alone in Chicago, New York, or Los seems criminals still have all their guns, funny...
Taurothar t1_j8nc83z wrote
Those places are all adjacent to ones with very lax control, so it's easy to get a gun to bring there from a neighbor state.
Just_Jer t1_j8ncjfz wrote
that's what these states keep claiming but I've yet to see anything but anecdotal evidence to support that claim
Taurothar t1_j8ncyc3 wrote
Just_Jer t1_j8ndbs1 wrote
I get what you're trying to prove but the percentages seem laughably low compared to the purchased in Illinois percentage...
Taurothar t1_j8ngul1 wrote
How is more than half laughably low?
Just_Jer t1_j8nhakh wrote
I'm saying 49.8 from Illinois vs the highest at 16.7 from Indiana.
WellSeasonedUsername t1_j8sd6nq wrote
Indiana should be a war zone with all those “lax gun laws” but it’s not, Chicago is.
Taurothar t1_j8sfxj4 wrote
Because, shockingly, crime is where people are. Chicago Metro area has a population 1.5x that of the entire state of Indiana in roughly a quarter of the area. Population density often coincides with increased crime rates everywhere.
WellSeasonedUsername t1_j8sirve wrote
And who commits these crimes?
Taurothar t1_j8smvsv wrote
People with guns? I don't know what you're trying to get at. If you're trying to say minorities or Democrats, you're also drawing correlation without causation.
WellSeasonedUsername t1_j8sndu6 wrote
Glad you said “people” with guns and not just “because of guns”. The correct answer is “criminals” Why did you bring up minorities or democrats?
Taurothar t1_j8sozss wrote
> Why did you bring up minorities or democrats?
This isn't the "gotcha" you think it is. It's usually the line I get when talking about urban crime with gun nuts. Saying "criminals commit crime" is also pretty self evident, so I didn't think you'd be that stupid as to want to spell that out as if it was an argument.
And yes, people with guns shoot people. People without guns, can't shoot people. Reducing those guns in quantity or effectiveness reduces the number of people who are shot.
But you know what the most effective means to reduce crime is? Improving quality of life through raising incomes, revitalizing neighborhoods, providing social resources, and developing communities where people don't need to resort to crime to survive.
If we spent half of what we do on the military on those types of goals, we wouldn't be seeing the kinds of shooting sprees that lead to these calls to ban guns. Too bad most gun nuts are also Republican who vote against using money this way though.
WellSeasonedUsername t1_j8sqa7z wrote
>But you know what the most effective means to reduce crime is? Improving quality of life through raising incomes, revitalizing neighborhoods, providing social resources, and developing communities where people don't need to resort to crime to survive.
So YOU are saying it’s minorities / low income communities. Got it.
Most people with common sense know that simply banning an item will not prevent any further tragedies.
Are you going to give your car up to the government if they ban cars because of drunk drivers?
You could ban every gun in existence and Chicago will still have a high murder rate. Gotta deal with the people, not the objects.
Also, why does this keep happening Are democratic appointed DA’s incapable of upholding the law?
WellSeasonedUsername t1_j8sd344 wrote
Then why don’t those adjacent places have the same level of violence as nyc LA or Philly?
BadDogEDN t1_j8mtxcd wrote
And I can walk into home depot buy parts, and can make a gun in my basement, the point is, criminals, will always be criminals, laws only stop law abiding people, criminals will find a way.
And for a less nuanced approach, come and take them, this is not a thing people will roll over for. This is the last straw for freedom, its hard to enforce unjust laws if you would have to risk being shot over them.
x6tance t1_j8owvf0 wrote
Seriously? Guns are the last straw for freedom? A tool that serves no other purpose than to kill? Yikes....what a shitty country to live in if this is what we have to resort to
BadDogEDN t1_j8p21zp wrote
be mad all you want, but if you try to take my rights away, you will be shot
WellSeasonedUsername t1_j8sd9ox wrote
How did we defeat the British? The Nazis? With hugs and kisses?
AGK47_Returns t1_j8xh23l wrote
No, trust me, they're not gay, but they are Swedish, and they have a fantasy where they're forced to dress in maid clothes and serve their 1940's German overlords in their newly built castles in what today would be Belarus and every now and then they dress in heels and put on a stage performance and their overlords laugh and smile and eventually become peaceful through the power of love.
I shamelessly paraphrased the first half from an internet copypasta
iCUman t1_j8n3ewb wrote
The main problem with this position is that it ignores the reality that many of our problems with criminals obtaining firearms derives from the ease in which they can obtain them legally in other states.
NYAG did an investigation of crime guns over a 5yr period and found that:
>...for guns with a recorded state of purchase (6,799), 75% of crime guns originated out-of-state in 2015, more than double the national average (29%) of out-of-state sources of crime guns. The difference for low time-to-crime guns is even starker: nationwide, only 17% of guns recovered within three years of purchase originated out-of-state, compared to 76% of these guns in New York in 2015.
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