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AGK47_Returns t1_j8op7d7 wrote

>Having guns to defend against tyranny is another popular but dumb take. If America goes into a Civil War, there's no way a neighborhood of armed civilians is putting an Abrams tank out of commission or shooting down a hellfire missile from a drone. Whoever has vast control of the military and their armament, wins...and that's probably the government which is (partially) funded by the same gun owning civilians via taxes. Absolutely hilarious that they arm their own government with superior technology while holding disdain for it.

This take seems to conveniently forget Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan.


x6tance t1_j8ovtq4 wrote

I'm trying to find a story in Iraq and Afghanistan where they shot down a hellfire missile with small arms.

How will you fight the US Navy parked a good 200 miles off the coast and launching a tomahawk to blow up a neighborhood full of "rebellions" during this hypothetical Civil War?


AGK47_Returns t1_j8p03y1 wrote

>I'm trying to find a story in Iraq and Afghanistan where they shot down a hellfire missile with small arms.

No one is saying that, however the missiles have operators (who are human) and the operators have friends and families (who are human). The missile isn't what an efficient or effective guerilla would target.

>How will you fight the US Navy parked a good 200 miles off the coast and launching a tomahawk to blow up a neighborhood full of "rebellions" during this hypothetical Civil War?

Are you actually stating that you believe the US Government would indiscriminately level civilian neighborhoods using missiles during a hypothetical civil war? And if so, are you indicating that you would support the actions and legitimacy of said government?


WellSeasonedUsername t1_j8sdg4h wrote

Imagine actually supporting the government leveling civilian communities and being ok with it.

Weird take.


WellSeasonedUsername t1_j8sdhb8 wrote

Imagine actually supporting the government leveling civilian communities and being ok with it.

Weird take.