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xGrim_Sol t1_j9s7uf6 wrote

If it doesn’t include a “fuck Eversource” then it wouldn’t be accurate.


Jawaka99 t1_j9s80om wrote

Fuck Eversource.


Police Haters

Random photos.

I deserve...

Complain about everything.


timmahfast t1_j9sb13i wrote

Why are there planes flying over my house.


fastnsx21 t1_j9scotb wrote

Just stay out of the left lane


fastnsx21 t1_j9scsj1 wrote

Something something something Hero pay


otter_spud t1_j9sddux wrote

"thinking about moving here from ________, where should I live?"


turnipzzzpinrut t1_j9se7dh wrote

Confusing a starlink launch for an alien invasion. Butthurt feelings regarding the number restaurants in Avon. Requesting guidance on where to find cougars in Hartford. Mountain lion (not to be confused with cougar) sightings.


Road-2-Zion t1_j9shu89 wrote

“Is Bridgeport really that dangerous?”


MyGodItsFullOfClowns t1_j9slole wrote

> Police Haters

Got a source for that?

Because the fact the entire New Haven PD hasn't been arrested, put on a boat and sent out to the mid-Alantic and left for hurricane season to deal with tells me this state loves their local police, no matter the crime.


860glass t1_j9sx5w3 wrote

People bitching about the legal cannabis (medical or rec) but rarely if ever providing hypothetical solutions to the problems they see


apothecarynow t1_j9t60gu wrote

Things I see repeatedly posted here are Eversource questions, bad drivers, I'm moving to CT posts, where should I eat, Now the rain thing.


Fit_Low592 t1_j9t72ch wrote

It has to have “West Hartford” for when out of staters come in here and ask where they should move to.


greenbeanz687 t1_j9tbk59 wrote

“The hero pay is still pending in my bank account”


joeya20001 t1_j9tf4kt wrote

Come visit Bridgeport, you wish you stayed where you came from, unless it’s Ohio, then Welcome to Bridgeport!


afapracing t1_j9tgezk wrote

Looking forward to seeing this. Comments are on point.


turnipzzzpinrut t1_j9thnxw wrote

From a large cat husbandry perspective, that’s correct. The r/CT cougars being sought in Hartford, however, are of the monied, un-husbanded variety, and unlike puma/mountain lion/cougars, these cougars live in stately homes, not burrows in the woods. It was suggested that perhaps Greenwich or Westport could be better territory for hunting the r/CT cougar.


jeangrey99 t1_j9tq74a wrote

“Taxes are too high; don’t move here”


cpt_buttcheeks t1_j9tspf7 wrote

Eversource, the merrit and a primal fear of places like Hartford, Bridgeport and Waterbury. Also have to include a pizza allegiance. Our stance on the notch and how we are the “best drivers”. Might as well throw something in there about left lane vs going 45 on the highway


welcomebackjelly t1_j9u930q wrote

People complaining about not being able to afford to live in the wealthiest county in the country when they work at McDonald’s


kaloni2871 t1_j9v0ptv wrote

Things to do in CT is a regular theme


Mental_Grapefruit726 t1_j9v1xoj wrote

“ThEy’rE lyINg aBOUt tHe AcId RaIn!!!”

“Lamont bad”

“The libs have taken over…”


brentwhere t1_j9vnmh0 wrote

people asking what the veoh tag means


Glum-Satisfaction-92 t1_j9vzcag wrote

Just know if you move here... it will take you 2 jobs to move out. IT'S A TRAP


TheSpacePopeIX t1_j9w8k8o wrote

Definitely have to include an Eversource hate post


saddamwh0sane t1_j9w9t16 wrote

Include a bunch of democrats with 0 sense of humor!! Oh no! Here come the downvotes 😂🖕🏼