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1234nameuser t1_j9a44vq wrote

Bullshit - "Firearms are the Leading Cause of Death for Children in the United States"


Fun-Cockroach8339 t1_j9b3yos wrote

Just as a quick caveat, they count children as under 19, which is misleading. Also, most of those homicides are younger black males in poor neighborhoods who are killed with illegal handguns by other younger black males. More gun laws aren’t going to change that because the root cause is generational poverty.


1234nameuser t1_j9bab1u wrote

>More gun laws aren’t going to change that because the root cause is generational poverty.

Let me put on my wellies here, cuz shits getting deep.

If you think intergenerational poverty is the specific reason a deep & vast black market of guns exist all across america's streets then we're not going to get anywhere.

I'm not retarded, I can see exactly what european countries have done to decrease the black market of weapons while keeping handguns accessible.

As a taxpayer, I don't appreciate that one single industry is allowed to waste so goddamn much of my tax money while they rack in the $$$. This industry makes Eversource CEO look like a pope.

I live in CT for a reason, because of tight gun regulations........I dont work my ass off to listen to gunshots every damn night like I had to in the 4th largest city in the US.


Fun-Cockroach8339 t1_j9bn71d wrote

You must live in the suburbs because gunshots are a daily occurrence in New Haven. Hartford had record (or close) homicides last year. Also, European countries don’t have the second (or first) amendments.


redditor1101 t1_j9a7cgo wrote

If you're gonna quote something provide a source


1234nameuser t1_j9a7uot wrote


edit: what kind of idiots downvote this? like me providing any single source (considering all the BS news sites out there) means anything when you have the entire internet a click away - WTF
