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Consistent-Flight-20 t1_j9agtli wrote mother was murdered with a gun stolen from a gun store that they never reported. I don't agree with banning guns but I do believe in safe handling and following protocol.


gewehr44 t1_j9d3yh1 wrote

The gun store broke the law by not reporting it. ATF requires reports from FFLs on gun losses.


RoundPlum t1_j9ai84p wrote

Well having a law that says to people need to report guns that are stolen.... Obviously if people are not following the law then it still wouldn't have kept what happened from happening. That being said I'm so sorry for your loss.


Consistent-Flight-20 t1_j9aigmt wrote

I agree with you! I just mean I think some regulations and laws with guns are good and yes, best when followed. 😊


TreaclePerfect4328 t1_j9dyu9z wrote

We have 30k + gun laws on the books. Guns never hurt anyone. Idiots do..
