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STODracula t1_j8woj3z wrote

As someone who went to a lean running public university (UPR) and then UCONN, it's like night and day in terms of spending and what I consider downright luxuries for students. I know administrative expenses are part of it, but UCONN keeps adding buildings without regards for need or expense. The rec center that cost $100 million added to the student fees (and probably tuition but you won't hear them say it) and it looks like a luxury spa. I'm not saying they don't need fun things to do, although I've been there and they already have plenty, but that building is bonkers. To this day, my undergrad school barely has some ping pong tables in the main student building and the 2010 rebuilt pools for the Central American and Caribbean games (state paid for that one), but hey, $4,940 tuition sure beats $18,524 when the degree is accredited the same and the education equal.