Submitted by TarbenXsi t3_119nffv in Connecticut

A couple of years ago, I was mocked by a CT Republican on this subreddit with the phrase "Oh, Govern me harder, Daddy!" as if I was inviting the government to "go harder" in aspects of my life.

Where are the "keep the government out of my life" people now that red states are literally denying freedoms to their own people?

Idaho trying to pass legislation that it is illegal to administer a vaccine based on mRNA research.

Texas banning all gender-affirming procedures, including in adults.

South Carolina turning "seeking an abortion" into a Death Penalty eligible offense.

Florida dictating what does and does not count as education.

Multiple states trying to ban drag shows.

Wyoming trying to tell science classes they cannot teach anything that is a "theory."

I am proud to be from Connecticut, prouder than I've ever been as I watch Lamont.

Do we have our problems? Yes. Are we perfect? No. But to the GOP member who tried to shame me about wanting the government to take an active role in the safety and wellbeing of its citizens, this is what Republican politics actually looks like.

I'll take the higher taxes over gutted school systems, making science illegal, and actively trying to make the lives of a percentage of our citizens worse simply for existing.

Edit: Thank you for the Gold, kind anonymous stranger. And, to those who reported me as being in crisis, thanks for caring about my well-being.



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