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PrintError t1_jdgz295 wrote

I wouldn't raise it up to be completely level. If for some reason your patio floods, being an inch lower than the house can save your house. If it's level, the water will happily run right into your living room.


truxie t1_jdh615g wrote

100% this. Plus it's pretty easy to make a threshold that covers a 1" height difference. Especially compared to raising the level of an entire floor.


oskiller t1_jdhaxns wrote

That is what I was thinking. Going level could prove trouble down the road. Pretty much every exterior door I have even seen tends to be a tad bit above exterior level.


PrintError t1_jdhwzf6 wrote

When I had my patio built, they were very clear with NOT raising my patio to be level with the house. I'm glad they didn't. Instead, they graded the concrete so any water drains out the farthest corner from the door.


Halagad t1_jdjfn64 wrote

Just replaced the sub flooring in my kitchen due to this, porch was level with the floor. Contractors and inspectors all said lowering the deck should be on our list or it will happen again.


codenoggin OP t1_jdnvn5u wrote

Yeah, that's a good consideration! I think I'll try to only raise it slighly with, concrete board or some cork, like some of the other suggestions. Takes the pressure off of trying to level it perfectly and maybe I can still have a cleaner looking threshold than the current toe-destroyer.