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JerseyWiseguy t1_je0e3xw wrote

Get some wire closet shelves from Home Depot or a similar place. Cut them to size with a hacksaw. Buy the little plastic end caps to put over the cuts.


mojojojo2842 OP t1_je0f9za wrote

What little plastic end caps are you referring to exactly? I really like this idea - have been considering it myself already - but don't want to risk causing any damage to the fridge.


Zombie_John_Strachan t1_je0lvw2 wrote

Bolt cutters


JerseyWiseguy t1_je12n1i wrote

Convenient . . . but not worth the investment, unless they will be used again many more times.


SirIsaacGnuton t1_je195ck wrote

Hold on. Last time I bought wire shelves by the foot they had a bolt cutter in the department. Had to because it was by the foot.


Peopletowner t1_je56azk wrote

Yup. Measure ahead of time, maybe even make a cardboard template, cut in store.


SirIsaacGnuton t1_je18wkc wrote

Hacksaw and patience. Or angle grinder and glasses.


BrickGun t1_je1gtkz wrote

Don't even need a beefy angle grinder. I've cut those exact same shelves with a dremel and a cutting wheel, takes just a few seconds to go through each bar.