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mr_sarve t1_ir2ptrf wrote

I'm always amazed that it is apparently legal to do stuff like this yourself in the US. In my country you would not only need an electrican to do it, but it would require a dedicated fuse and a surge protector


Loon610 OP t1_ir2w5xw wrote

I’m not in the USA, I’m Canadian. I don’t see why someone shouldn’t be able too, like I said I have to pull a permit, someone from the Provincial Technical Safety will come and inspect my work, before I can flip the breaker. If I hired someone there would be no inspection, electricians can pull their own permits and do not require inspections, and as a Red Seal Tradesperson myself, I can tell you just because someone is a Red Seal doesn’t mean they do the job right, maybe they were taught wrong, maybe they just make it work with the materials they have, maybe they are in a rush. One thing I can tell you is no one cares about your home more than you do, and if you hire every job out you will eventually have butchers show up to your house. I’m not an expert, but I do make sure to double check all my work, and if I’m unsure I ask and research, I’ve actually been to my local library to look up codes because they have building codes on hand free to use there. I couldn’t do this work if I lived in a apartment or duplex, only a detached home and I can only do it to a home I live in, not even a home I own and rent. The regulations are strict but good, someone should be free to work on their own home if they can have their work inspected, and if you think every certified person will do the job right, they won’t and if every homeowner will apply for a permit and do they work properly, they won’t. It’s best to try to learn as much as you can from roofing to auto repair, because you need to know when you’re getting taken for a ride, because it will happen.