pm_me_broken_stuff t1_irb4q75 wrote
I'm super confused how/why unfaced insulation is almost 10x the price. Are you sure you were comparing similar products?
Worst case get the faced insulation and pull the facing off it. Boom, unfaced insulation.
Kortalh OP t1_irb82mt wrote
As far as I can tell, yes -- R-13 fiberglass in both cases, same brand. I've checked the 3 major big-box stores and they're all similar. My only guess is that, since faced comes in compressed rolls and unfaced only comes in uncompressed batts, the cost must be due to the extra price of shipping.
Pulling the facing off is definitely an option. Not super appealing, but given the price difference, I'm willing to do it, ha.
But I'd rather not if I can avoid it, especially since it's a lot easier to staple in with the facing; if faced won't cause any moisture issues, that is.
strangr_legnd_martyr t1_irb9dym wrote
Make sure you're reading your product descriptions closely.
Just a quick search at Home Depot says $18 for R13 15" x 32ft faced insulation. That's $18 for 40 square feet, or $0.45/square foot.
Same site says $634 for 10 bags of R13 15" x 93" unfaced insulation, but unless you read closely you won't notice that each bag is 11 pieces, not 1. So that's 106.56 sq ft per bag, 1065 square feet total per pallet, which gives $0.60/square foot.
It seems faced is still cheaper, but not 10x cheaper. Probably because the faced stuff is a regular stock item and the unfaced stuff has to be shipped in.
Kortalh OP t1_irbcpvx wrote
Doh, I can't believe I missed that. That makes a lot more sense. In that case, I'll just go with unfaced and not take the risk of moisture issues.
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