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CaskStrengthWhiskey t1_itakjma wrote

A fun fact for you, carbon monoxide poisoning is how your house gets haunted.

Caveat this only works if you don't over do the poisoning.


horridpineapple t1_itaqaus wrote

There's a story somewhere here on reddit that was pretty big. A lady, I believe, thought someone was breaking into her house and leaving notes or something all around. Come to find out it was carbon monoxide poisoning. Sleuthed out by the brilliant minds of reddit.


Hidesuru t1_itax1q4 wrote

Could have sworn it was a dude. They were convinced their landlord was spying on them I think, but one Redditor convinced them to check co levels and they were dangerously high for some reason I can't recall.


horridpineapple t1_itc4l82 wrote

I think I've got a couple posts mixed around then. I swear I've read one about a woman and I've read the stick note one.


Hidesuru t1_itd9nmd wrote

Could be yeah I'm sure it hasn't happened just once sadly.