Submitted by HashBandicoot93 t3_z63clt in DIY

I have an lg dishwasher that's not cycling water. When I forced the pump to run disconnected from the dishwasher with the intake submerged in a pot it pumps with a fair amount of force, kicking in to a higher force after it has been pumping for several seconds (I can post a video if that would help someone with helping me troubleshoot). However, when I hook it back up to the bottom of the basin and the take away hose it won't send water through the drain hose (I've replaced the drain hose in case it was clogging and causing the problem). The filter trap and tube in the basin that feeds the pump don't seem to be clogged, although dismantling it fully to visually confirm no blockage is my next planned step in figuring this out. There is a small flap designed to prevent backflow seperating the pump from the basin, and I'm wondering if this could be sticking, preventing flow to the pump, and if it will stop working well if I remove the flap (assuming I can't find a blockage).

The drain hose is always dry after I attempt a test with water in the system.

I metered the resistance across the pump motor, and it falls within the range a YouTube tutorial said the pump should meter out at if its still good.



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rededelk t1_ixz9lkl wrote

Maybe not so relevant but I have to throw my breaker for at least 20 minutes to get back going. I hard wired it, mistake, should have done plug and receptacle. Mine is a control panel issue needing reset, pita


maestrojv t1_ixzebno wrote

We had the same issue and it did turn out to be the coin filter/trap, just be ready with towels & buckets etc for the water when you do open it up!


keepngoal t1_ixzjzhk wrote

does the hose from the DW connected to a newly installed garbage disposal? If so, the intake port will have a cap that needs punched out. Or...

Make sure the hose is installed in the correct way (flap opening away from water flow)?


arizona-lad t1_ixzoicw wrote

Ask the folks who work on them for a living: /r/ApplianceRepair.


HashBandicoot93 OP t1_ixzpbrz wrote

No to garbage disposal, the flap separates the basin from the pump, the hoses don't have built in backflow stoppers. I'm about to hook the pump back on to the basin and test it without the takeaway hose, try to further isolate the problem.


3Pistols t1_ixzrmr7 wrote

Also check where the dishwasher drains into the pvc sink drain. Mine was recently clogged at that point and cleared it out just but pushing through with a screwdriver.


landwomble t1_ixzsxd6 wrote

When mine does this I usually suck out all the water with a pump action plunger, tip a few pints of boiling water into the drain hole then carefully use the plunger on it until it unblocks. With hot water you can feel your drain pipe until you find the spot where it goes cold and that's your blockage point.


Knichols2176 t1_iy0z5f2 wrote

There should be a whole subreddit for broken dishwashers…it’s needed! I’m trying to find the old 1990 manual dial version of a dishwasher to upscale into my kitchen because I’m tired of paying for parts. It may waste water, but I have a well anyhow. Newer ones never last me more than 2 yrs without failing. It’s almost always that computer chip in the bottom front panel. Especially LG and Samsung. There’s a way to get error codes off of the dishwasher to tell you what went wrong.