Submitted by LumpySpace-Princess- t3_z1zopo in DIY
brock_lee t1_ixdoxiy wrote
Call the place you bought it and tell them it appears defective as the fill time is far beyond excessive. Also explain the above. You checked your valves, filters, and so on. They may send a technician at no cost to check it out. Just make sure you can reproduce the problem if they send a tech.
Finally, if you have anti-flood hoses, make sure they are not defective.
(They are not always colored like that)
LumpySpace-Princess- OP t1_ixdq1z7 wrote
I am still under the 1 year warranty so I'll probably do that. I just wanted to make sure it wasn't something super simple that I could fix myself.
I'm thinking if it were an issue with the hoses that it would fill slowly both times but the second time around it fills quickly.
brock_lee t1_ixdqelu wrote
That's why I specified flood safe or anti-flood hoses. They have valves inside that detect leaks (in different ways) and shut off. Those valves can become defective, so for instance the first time you use the washer in a day, they partially close, but the second time, they open.
I sounds however, like the electric valves in the washer are faulty.
LumpySpace-Princess- OP t1_ixdqqok wrote
Ahh makes sense. If they're defective then that should be covered under warranty so I'll let the technician replace those. Thanks for your help!
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